
FIBREGLASS MIXING?? I have a 5 gallon pale of fiberglass resin and something called cadox m50a.?

by  |  earlier

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I just need to do a fiberglass repair and it woud of been eazy. but theirs no instructions




  1. yeah, it's MEKP...same stuff in the clear tube that comes in a small automotive resin kit...remember 5 drops to an ounce of resin(polyester) or something like that? mentioned a test batch. The more you use the faster your cure rate but too much will give you a brittle laminate.

    Go for it...good luck.

  2. The cadox is an mekp, a catalyst for your resin to harden. Is the resin polyester or epoxy? or perhaps vinylester (unlikely)

    What are you trying to repair? you can use epoxy on most anything, but polyester can only be used on a polyester repair. If you have 5 gallons, god knows how or why, it's most likely polyester.

    You'll probably need a filler or some cloth to carry out your repair, it depends on what you are trying to do.

    As for the mixing, usually 5 parts resin to each part mekp is good, do a test batch - if it doesn't harden add more catalyst.

    Anyway, give us more details on the type of repair your doing and I can be a lot more help!

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