
FIDM school vs liberal arts education?

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0 LIKES UnLike i am working toward my B.S. in mass communications-video broadcasting..but i decided a set designer is my career choice..any ideas on how to start and work my way up? i'm aware of FIDM, but money-wise thats way toooo expensive. any information, i would highly appericate.




  1. I understand your concern about affording the cost of college. I do have friends who graduated from FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in LA and the advisers at the school are very nice in helping students who are passionate about the school and about the fashion industry. The school also offers scholarships, loans and grants to make the college more affordable for students. It would be more to your advantage if you went to the school's website and contacted an adviser who can answer your questions and concerns about the tuition. Good Luck!

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