
FIFA world cup 2010 Netherlands vs. Spain?

by  |  10 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Can anyone provide me the summery of FIFA world cup 2010 Netherlands vs. Spain?




  1. jay gohil
    Spain won the world cup for the first time in the history of World cup the score was 1-0 Netherlands lost the final for the third time in history.  It was very interesting match to watch Spain played in their regular style by keeping the possession and looking at the opportunity to score on the other hand Netherlands team played aggressively they were just focusing on the   counter attack but they were unable to score. Netherlands got golden opportunities to score but the star Robin was unable to put the ball in the net. The two sides showed their level best. Just four minutes remaining and with possibility of penalty shout out the dead lock was broken it was Inestia who scored the goal

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