
FIGURE SKATERS I have a question for ya!?

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I'm doing a page on figure skating in my school's yearbook and I don't know a thing about it. I'm supposed to write about three paragraphs about it, I was wondering if somebody could tell me like what they like about figure skating, what it takes to be a good figure skater, etc.

Also, what does it look like the girl in this picture is doing?

hahah i need to write a caption for it but i don't know what she's actually doing. :p thanks




  1. Oh geez...I don't think I can tell you what to write, but try wikipedia or something.

    Oh and she's doing a forward pancake spin. She looks right-footed.

  2. Lucinda Ruh made that spin, I like to call it Cannon ball, but I guess everyone calls it the pancake spin. I love jumping and doing spirals.

  3. Thats the Pancake Spin!!

    Para 1.

    I love figure skating because not alot of people do it.  It makes it unique and everybody is always asking you how to do stuff.  I also love doing the competitions.  You get to practice so hard and when you find out you placed/medalled, the feeling is irreplacable.  A sense of relief, happiness, and joy is amazing and so many things go thru your head at that moment.  Another reason I love figure skating is because most people think its an easy sport and that anybody could do it, like soccer, football, etc.  But when they try it, they get to see they are totally wrong.  Its a HARD sport, and not everybody can do it.

    Para 2.

    To be a good figure skater you need to have patience, dedication, PRACTICE, Hard work, and determination.  

    Para 3.

    You could right about the differnet types of skating.

    Pairs: when two skaters, a boy and a girl, pair up and do lifts, throw jumps, side by side elements, and more.

    Dance: when two skaters, a boy and a girl, pair up and do anything from dance lifts to just plain choreography.  No jumps or spins.

    Singles:  When one skater is doing jumps, spins, footwork by them self.

  4. What I love most about figure skating is that moving across the ice, with your weight just over the sweet spot, you feel like you're flying. It's ADDICTIVE! Years after you quit skating, it's that feeling of flying that you remember, sailing into jumps or spins--the ones you did particularly well--that slow motion feeling of rotation and the zen of a strong check out of a spin or jump.

    Skating requires discipline, hard work, practice... but the reason that people GET to the part where it needs discipline, hard work and practice is because FIGURE SKATING IS FUN! It's a rush!

    Don't forget, the reason we do/did all this is because we love it. We learned to love it because it's fun.

  5. I was on the yearbook staff too (long ago)!  I don't know what theme or angle your yearbook is taking, but here are my few cents:  

    I'm assuming there are figure skaters in your school?  It'd  be good if you could set up an interview with some of them and ask them their personal experiences and what they like about figure skating.  Relating the sport to the students in your school makes more sense to tie it into the yearbook (just my opinion).  

    A good intro may be a generalized statement about figure skating . . . that it combines artistry and athleticism . . . and it takes determination, patience, dedication, etc etc with a lot of practice to achieve goals in the sport.  I'm sure the skaters in your school can give you their side to figure skating . . .I'm sure it could easily fill up the 3 paragraphs - wink!  

    The girl in the photo is doing a pancake spin.  

    I'm assuming she is from your school?  See if you can get a photo of her doing a "spiral" in sideview like or a jump landing or maybe a jump in the air (or landing) as most people understand those type of action poses for figure skating - in addition to that pancake spin.  

    Hope that helps! Best of luck with your figure skating page!!

  6. shes doin a pancake spin.  you need to be very dedicatid and well diciplend.  commitment is also a big thing.  i dont go to the rink every day but some of my friends do my fav. part is prob salchow jump cuz its spinning and goin in 2 a jump.

  7. The only thing you'd have to know is that figure skating is like anyother sport!!!  You must work hard at what you do to achieve greatness!!! i used to figure skate, so its easy to explain.  When you forst lear it is frustrating but when you've done it a couple of times and got a couple of lessons then it is fun!!

    Figure skating is a good workout for the lower legs and if you're "blow legged" it straightens the legs out. i cant see the picture for some reason but yea, if you know anything about anyother sport its the same thing besides the climate!!!

  8. She's spinning  - thats a Pancake Spin.

    It takes a lot of discipline and training to succeed at figure skating. You have to know what edge you're on for each foot for every maneuver.  There's a lot of precision involved...then there's the issue of power. You have to be able to do something fast, and that means learning the right technique to maximize how much you get out of each stroke.

    If you have skaters at your school, no doubt they have been training for years. It's not like a sport like swimming or track where you just get out there and move as fast as you can. There's constantly something new to learn and you build upon your skills.

  9. the girl is doing a very difficult spin!  I like everything about skating: spins, jumps, progrms when there new! It takes practice, flexibility and talent to become a excellent figure skater!

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