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Is finance a good major for me who i am gonna be going to get my undergraduate degree from unc charlotte ( a decent school ) with the bad economy we have? Do the employers pay attention to what school you went to? Could you tell me about the job market? and the income?




  1. The answer above from "what?" is excellent.  

    Does it help to go to an Ivy League school to work on Wall Street?  yes.

    Does it exclude you if you don't?  No.

    Read the biographies of the many CNBC commentators on CNBC's web site - particulary the younger ones.  This will give you and indicator of their educational backgrounds as well.  You'll be impressed.

    But as the other commentor has stated - the most important thing you can do is make very good grades in your undergrad years.

  2. look through some vault or wetfeet career guides to get a feel for the industry.

    as far as income, finance is generally pretty good.  graduating this year, 50-60k is a reasonable range on the banking or research sides.  after an mba, if you're still in finance, you can make mid-6 figures without breaking a sweat in investment banking.  everyone that goes that route either becomes a flaming failure, and has a nervous breakdown that puts them in the hospital for a month (side affect of working 120 hours a week), or becomes incredibly rich and retires before they turn 40, it seems.

    a couple million a year by 35 is a reasonable target if you do chose this path, though.

    remember one rule of thumb, though: the closer you are to the money, the more of it goes in your pocket.

    just make sure you do well in school.

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