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1st day is 2morrow

im not very nervous

since my classes are close together

and some are with my friends

but any advice?

like on making new friends,





  1. you'll be fine

    \im in 8th grade now and was nervous then too

    but just be your self and when it comes to school

    \make sure you raise your hand and answer questions

    dont be shy!

  2. Middle school was not so great for me

    But only you can make it the best for yourself

    im now in highschool. im pretty sure that there are going

    to be alot of new kids at school tommorow, one of them will come up to you and say hi or something and you start the conversation from there even just saying i like your hair is a total conversation starter, i start highschool on the third im pretty nervous also im sure your not the only one try to be a teachers pet so you can get away with anything most of all have respect good luck :)

  3. Just be yourself and enjoy your first day. If someone makes eye contact, say hi and if a conversation gets started so be it. If not, don't worry about it, after all it's only the first day. You'll have the whole year to get to know those that are worthy of your friendship.  

  4. ah middle school was amazing for me :D

    I'm a high school senior, and I still talk to some of my middle school buddies..

    it's great. you make lots of new friends, if your going to a ghetto school like I did just be yourself. don't fall under pressure and dont go to the wrong crowd and you'll make it fine with some great memories

  5. no worries but try to be outgoing this all always atracts friends... you know be the first to say hi or smile and so on.

  6. aww im gonna missmiddle skool but ima 9th grader now and i say just be ur selfand if teachers r mena theirs no reason for u to takeit ifu didnt do anything LOL;...

  7. I remember my first day of middle school last year....I was a nervous wreck. Haha.

    The first day can be overwhelming. Join a sport or club and I'm positive you'll make friends. Talk to the kids in your homeroom and other classes about simple things. Just say "hi" if someone sits next to you. Making friends isn't really hard. Oh, and make a plan where to meet when going to the cafeteria with friends so you can sit together. Teachers are pretty much nice and be nice to them. Get on their good side. Some teachers can be strict (you should meet my computer teacher) so being on the good side is a plus. Also, be confident, friendly, and yourself! Have an awesome first day of middle school!

  8. just be yourself and don't let anyone intimidate you! :) there may be some teachers that you might not like but have patience because by the end of the year he or she may become your favorite:)

  9. aww well you're much luckier than I was that's for sure! Going into middle school I knew basically nobody... then the first day of school I became best friends with this girl in my very first class- it was great, and gave me the boost i needed to get through the day.

    Basically be really friendly, because especially first year people are going to be looking to make new friends and it's a great oppurtunity.

    Oh, and don't fall asleep in class. Teachers apparently don't like that. *innocent* O_O  

  10. middle school is funnn.

    dont be a teachers pet to the teachers, they can tell if your faking it. don't answer EVERY SINGLE question. people will get annoyed. every other is still a lot. i'm not saying don't do your best in class.. as a matter of fact.. DO.! but seriously.. turn it down a notch.

    as for friends, i'm not going to be mean and rub it in everyones face that i went to middle school last year and now i'm miss. popular.. because i am.. (the nice kind of popular..) but it would be appropiate to explain to you what i did to make so many friends..

    1. i literally went up to people and said this "You look really familiar.. dont we have science (or whatever subject) together.?"

    normally they would say no, and i would laugh and say "Oh well, i dont know. But anyways, I'm Jenny."

    and it seriously was the first words to many people that i now call my "best friends"..

    2. for goodness sakes.. BE YOU.!! thats all i did, and now i can go to school everyday, be myself, and people love me.. haha.. really, being yourself is the best way to go.

    good luck.!


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