
FIve starters in the REds lineup were rookies tonight and they smoked the Cubs, Cubs fans whats the deal?

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Cubsrock: I saw the PTI you referred to (great interview with DeRosa). I agree that its getting there that is most important. I also feel that momentum (what you do the last month) will reflect on how well you do in the postseason. E.g the Rockies last year went on a tear the last month and went to the World Series.




  1. the cubs are on a bad slump, but they will turn things around in a couple of games...and injuries are not a problem for the team

  2. O man i missed the game! I hope the cubbies dont start that same old slide.

  3. Cubs haven't had a long slump all season long.  I'd rather see them slumping now then starting to slump in the last week of September.  They'll get going again here and turn things around.  This team knows they have something special here and a great opportunity to change Cubs history.  They'll start playing good ball again soon.

  4. That's OK.  Enjoy the playoffs sitting at home, once again Reds fans.

  5. I hate the Cubs, but I think they are just in a slump. Same with the Brewers.

  6. I dunno, but I'm starting to get worried.  

  7. Not a Cubs fan,but the Cubs will be fine they just hit a slump right now all teams hit em.

  8. I'm still not super worried, but I would be lying if I said I had no concern right now. Their bats were cold but their pitching was holding up. Now two of the last three games they've given up 9 and 10 runs.

    They are in a skid and they need to bounce out of it.

    I don't know if you saw PTI today, but they talked to Mark DeRosa and he said something along the lines of that if they don't win the division then they're still pretty well set on the Wild Card. I don't like that attitude at all. They should be playing like they could be eliminated from contention if they lose, not that if they don't win the division they can settle for the Wild Card.  

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