Here is the story. My mom is my best friend. I have also become incredibly close with my FH's stepmom, who is the sweetest woman in the world and a lot like my mom. My fiance's mom is not a sweet woman and she and I don't get on. So of course, when I decided to go dress shopping, I asked my mom, FH's stepmom, my gran, aunt and cousin, who will be my MOH. I was lucky enough to find the perfect dress on that first trip. FMIL found out about it and is horribly upset. I say it's none of her business who I take dress shopping or who I do wedding errands with. Those are at the bride's prerogative and I am not close with nor do I like FMIL, so of course I don't invite her to things, least of all dress shopping. I am also not showing her the dress before I head down the aisle, in part because she is a very negative, critical person.