
FOR 10 BIG POINTS - Your Advice On This Weed...?

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It's a giant weed. About 10-15 FEET in height.

A few inches in diameter (bigger than a redbull).

It's kind of thory (not the hard thorns) has a soft green skin. The thorns look like needles all over it (very thin and soft, but hurt whne you touch it). This weed doesn't have hard skin.

I want to pull it out, but I'm not sure how far in the ground it will be. How far are the roots in the ground do you guys think? And should I pull it out (I want to)?




  1. I think you should probably should pull it.

  2. Pull it ...if it comes back you may need to dig it up.

  3. well that's a bigosofgrensknucus and its roots go to the center of the earth to completely eradicate it you must dig out the entire root system, so start digging.

  4. if its not too close to other plants spray it with round up a few times.  This will kill the roots and then when you pull it out it won't come back from you not getting all the roots.

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