
FOR SERBS, TELL ME: Why would an Albanian want Kosovo to remain under Serb control?

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There is alot of arguing over Kosova. But we can all agree on these facts:

1) The majority over people who live in Kosova are Albanians (over 90%)

2)The majority of people living in Kosova want independence (over 90)

3)Serbians think that they own Kosova and do not want it to be independent.

SO we have a problem here: People living in Kosovo want independence from Serbia but the Serbians still want to own Kosova.

What is the solution??? Serbia is claims to be a democratic country where all it's citizen reguardless of ethnicity have a voice. So how does it convine Albanians that they should remain in Serbia. I haven't seen any politician doing that yet?

********** Serbians you spend along time trying to argue why 'Kosovo is Serbian' but I hear none of you argue why me as an Albanioan should want to remain in your state after all the oprression and ethnic clensing of Kosovo that took place.





  1. 1) send arround 70% in exile, cause that percent of albanian population in kosovo is illegal there

    2) same arguments like in 1

    3) ok, let's go slowly, kosovo is serbian for more than thousand years, the first country raska (zavida, and before) had kosovo in its territory, and we have it today

    and also we have a problem that someone wants to be someone who thinks he knows everything, but speaks nonsence as soon as he gets near a computer, and also we have a problem of a few hundred thousand refugees

    nice of you that you consider kosovo as a part of serbia, and also if everyone have a choice of voting, how muchh albanians are there, 2 million, there are also 8 million people living i other parts of serbia, so, albanians are outnumbered

    all illegal emigrants on kosovo (which mesures around 70% of the population) will be exiled, just like in every other country

    you don't have base arguments, you just keep on repeating yourself for how many times

  2. The same as why do I have to put up with you here, racist and backward as you are. But I have to, cos I don't make the rules. The rules in Kosovo are set by the Serbs. If you don't like it, I'll repeat Peter R's words: LEAVE IT! Got it?

  3. Because we want to be exploited, called SHIPTARI, have our human rights denied, evicted from our homes by violence, our history denied, be labeled troublemakers and terrorists, drug dealers,dealers of human organs (speaking of organs SMARTGUY you can have my s*****m), because we Albanians multiply like rabbits whom come into sacred Serbian land and the Balkans as Asiatic intruders, because we commited genocide on the Serbs by paying them their asking price for their properties and paid them in German Marks with money we earned as migrant workers because Kosovo had no jobs for us and our parents had to seek a living abroad because of racists policies that gave the Serbs all the jobs. Because we were the cause of failed Serbian policy of settling Serbs in Kosovo with land grants and jobs.  Now that I think about why is Serbia trying to cling to Kosovo so bad if it detests 90% of it citizens? I know what Serbia wants, Kosovo empty of all Albanians the exact same thing Milosevic wanted "ISTI K***c DRUGO PAKUVANJE" and they are trying to tell us "stay in our country we will assure you all your rights" and if you asked Milosevic after 1987 he'd tell you that there is not a single problem with Kosovo and everything was alright. No thanks a union with Somolia would be better than remaining in Serbia. Can a cat and a canary live together in confined space? It is not possible the same goes for Kosovo remaining within Serbia. I don't  want to hear the B.S. everything was alright until the US got involved in the balkans. Things were never right and Albanians were treated as second class citizens in your beloved Yugoslavia. LONG LIVE A FREE KOSOVA!

    I got to hand it to you man you sure know how to bring them together. I have never seen so many right wing Serbs together in one confined space except the Human Rights Tribunal in Hague, like a pack of hungry wolves and you hear them all howling "If you don't like it get the h**l out", well I'll repeat what I wrote once before, Kosovo is our egg, our nest, our tree, our home, our country, our planet, and our universe. It is not going to happend we are not going anywhere.

  4. Because Kosovo is a great part of Serbian culture. And we don't want anyone to take out land from us. I'm not really into politics, but u got what u wanted. End. Nothing else to talk about.

  5. And why would anyone ask Albanians for their opinion?After ethnically cleansing Serbs they don't deserve any attention whatsoever.Kosovo is Serbian land and that is the reason why it should stay within Serbian borders.Nobody can change that,not even U.S.A.,much less Albania.

  6. 1) Territory is not determined by the number of pissed trees.

    2) There are more termites than humans on the planet.

    3) Serbs are not termites.

    If you have a problem, complain to Bush.

  7. Because it is part of Serbia. If you do not like it leave. If you continue to break up these countries what good will come?

  8. The Albanians are the largest ethnic group in Kosovo. According to the 1991 census, boycotted by Albanians, there were 1,596,072 ethnic Albanians in Kosovo or 81.6% of population. By the estimation in year 2000, there were between 1,584,000 and 1,733,600 Albanians in Kosovo or 88% of population.

    Serbs are the second largest ethnic group in Kosovo.

    There are between 120,000 and 150,000 Serbs in Kosovo, forming 7%–8% of its total population.

  9. I have just a couple of things to say at this theme:

    1) I think that THAT part of Serbia is called KOSOVO, not Kosova

    2) Kosovo will allways remain part of serbia, as the majority of Serbian monasteries are in Kosovo. And it doesn't matter if you crush them all, Kosovo will allways remain soul of Serbia

    3) if you don't like it, return to your Albania, but don't you dare to think that Serbs will gave up from Kosovo just like that


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