
FOX NEWS anchors?

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I was watching foxnews online for laugh, and my snickers slowly turned into sighs of despair.

They call Karl Rove "the Architect" and "my friend", they preach the word of Bush et al... I don't understand how, after all that has happened under Dubya's rule, that these guys can look at each other in the mirror and say that it was all for the greater good of the country and the world.

How can anyone with a modicum of common sense be so blind?




  1. They aren't blind.  They got a good look at Al Gore.

  2. You would have to say that Shepherd Smith is a cutie, but yes they are blind.

  3. because there's enough idiots in this country to give them a significantly large audience

  4. they have to bend the rules, in order to save the world.

  5. when i am down in the dumps, i do the same as you. it sad, because they are considred "mainstream." i see karl rove on their channel everyday, especially on H&C. they don't have sense, common or exotic, because they are owned by murdoch. but man if you want to watch fix noise get beat up, turn on keith olbermann or dan abrams, who come at 5 and 7 pm, and 6 pm repsectively. only the local affiliates of fox actually make sense

  6. I like the foxes on FNC myself. They do get some smart and beautiful women on that channel. And as for Karl Rove, he has more brains in his little finger than the whole DNC and their celebrity candidate combined. Eat your hearts out. And listen to Karl. You might learn something. After all, who else would be smart enough to get Bush elected TWICE!!

  7. Blind, I agree,  you should open your eyes
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