
FRENCH translations??

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does anyone know how to say these phrases in french (and how they would say it):

"how much??"

"no thanks"

"im full"

"what time is it?"

thanks.. =)




  1. Combien?

    Merci, mais non.

    (when saying i'm full, don't say Je suis plein because it means *i am pregnant*)

    Quelle heure maintenant?

  2. go on

  3. He pretty much covered it, but i'll do it anyway :D

    Combien? You can also add c'est to make c'est combien, which means "this is how much?"

    Non, merci.

    je n'ai plus faim. Which means I don't have hunger, not a literal translation.

    Aaaand, Quel heure est-il.

    I guess ill go over the pronounciations too XD

    Combien: Com-bia. The bia has sort of a nasally sound. The french don't pronounce the end of their words, unlessa n adjective is turned into feminine, i.e "petit" and "petite".

    Non, Merci: No, mare-sea. The no has a nasally sound at the end too, like an N in the back of your throat.

    Je n'ai plus faim: Juh, but the J is a soft G. Juh nay ploo faim. Faim has an N in the back of the throat, too.

    Quel heure est-il: Kell heure ay-teal. Heure is kind of hard to pronounce, you really have to put together the E and the U to make kind of an 'uh' sound.

    hope it helped :]

  4. Combien

    Non, merci.

    Je suis plein / Je n'ai plus faim.

    Quel heure est-il ?

    Now... HOW to say it... I don't think I can transmit that in writing :) I'll try, uh uh...

    - Come... bia

    - No like in "not", mer.. si.

    - Zju suwi pla

    - Keleure etil ?

  5. "combien"

    "non, merci"

    "je n'ai pas plus faim"

    "quell heure est il?"

  6. how much: combien?

    no thanks: aucuns mercis

    I'm full: Je suis plein

    What time is it?: quelle heure est-il?

  7. Hi there, well here are the traslations:

    if you want to say "how much?" you would have to say in french "Combien?"

    if you want to say "no thanks" in french it would be: "non merci"

    if you want to say "i'm full" in french it would be: "je suis rempli"

    and finnaly if you want to say in french "what time is it?" you would say : "quelle heure est-il?"

    hope that helped you,

  8. First learn:

    Hello, good morning, thank you, pardon me my french isn't very good.

  9. Hiya,

    Here is the transaltion that you are looking for :

    "how much??"  -  Combien cela coute t'il ?

    "no thanks"   -   Non Merci

    "im full" -   Je suis rasazié

    "what time is it?" -  Quelle heure est il, s'il vous plait ?

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