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so im going to 9th grade and i dont know know one at the school im going to try to be outgoing but i know when i get there im going to be shy and stuff ive never had a hard time getting friends but im kind of nerveous. What should i do?




  1. I was in the same situation last year, now i'm gonna be a sophmore, i didn't know anyone at the high school, all my friends went to a different school. I'm not gonna lie it was difficult for the first few months, it is hard making new friends, try to join clubs and don't give up i made some new friends but it was more towards the end of the year.  try out for teams and different sports, even if you don't make the team you could end up becoming friends with other people who don't make it.  Talk to your lab partners and people who have lockers by you.  Talk to as many people as you can and you will end up with friends.  Trust me.  

    i had the worst first day of high school, it was in the lunch room and it seemed huge, I got my lunch and looked around the cafeteria for somewhere to sit.  So i went over to this group of girls who looked nice enough and said, "excuse me, can i sit here?" THEY SAID NO, i was hurt but i went on to another table and they said NO too.  but if that happens don't let it stop you

    Good luck!

  2. Try to get involved in stuff.  If there's something to volunteer for, then do it.  If you don't do sports, they have debate teams, creative writing clubs, foreign language clubs, anime clubs, drama clubs, etc.  That's a great way to meet people that like the same stuff as you.

  3. 1) always smile- smiling shows you're friendly and you're open to people for conversation. smile at people and teachers.

    2) dress to impress- don't change your style for the first day of school or throughout the year. wear something a little nicer for the first day, but that's it.

    3) have good posture- don't walk in a room slouched over. sit up straight in your seat and walk standing upright.

    4) have confidence- if you get the chance to stand up and talk about yourself the first day in a room, do it right. get up and smile and look people in the eyes, even if you don't know them. it will show you're friendly. you could practice this at home before you start school.

    5) smell nice- spray a hint of a cute perfume on yourself before each class. =)

    6) act comfortable, even if you're not- this one's hard, but you have to do it. don't go up and talk and keep saying "uh" and such.

    7) be kind- if you see someone who is lost or needs help, help them. that's how you make friends.

    8) be active in school- me and my locker partner became close because of fbla. i met so many upperclassmen and such being in a club. sports are also really good because you will find people with comon interest.

    good luck, and if you have any questions about anything... feel free to e-mail me... it's in my profile!

  4. do clubs and just talk to ppl freshman year rocked btw im gonna be a sophmore its ok if u dont know anyone ull make new friends

  5. Just be yourself and walk into that school happy and proud of who u r and ur new friends will come to you!

  6. The first year at high school. For the first few months, just make some friends and get to know the school.

    After that, try some clubs & teams. Do something that you think will be fun.

  7. First of all, and this is very important : DO WELL IN SCHOOL!!! A lot of people think freshman and senior years it's okay to slack off, but it really isn't. Freshman year will come back to bite you in the butt if you don't get good grades.

    To make friends, join activaties in clubs. See who is sharing the locker next to yours and strike up a conversation. Other freshmen will probably feel the same way you do, as it is their first year too.

  8. Just promise yourself to smile and say hi to everyone you sit next to for the first week of school.  I've made so many friend this way.

    Plus, if you do this for the 1st week, it could become a habit and you'll be naturally more outgoing.

    Also, don't make the one BIG mistake and ask who the popular kids are.  Figure it out on your own.  A girl did at my school and now everyone just assumes she is like, a faker or something, just trying to get to the top of the food chain.

    good luck =)

  9. Be yourself and make friends from as many groups as possible(preps,emo,etc.).Tyr joining band.I'm in band and know from experience that they make pretty loyal friends.

  10. Be nice to people and get good grades. Join clubs and get friends that way. Have fun don't just make it a boring school year. Don't be fake.

  11. me too!  I am also starting my freshman yr in september, and I am probably just going to remember that everyone else is going through the same thing. they also wanna make friends. add me as a contact, and we can share advice!


    Good Luck!!
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