

by  |  earlier

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My friend had another best friend and they were in a really big fight. They both decided that they both shouldn't be friends with each other so she started hanging out with me and was acting sad for a while cause she really thought this girl would be a good friend and someone she could trust and i was cool with that cause she started acting normal after a while. It has been about 5 months since they have seen each other but just the other day at volleyball tryouts she and her ex-bestie started talking and they were acting like they were best friends, and this girl did do some damage to my friend(not physical).

I am really frustrated and confused cause i asked what she was doing later and if she wanted to hang out and she told me that she couldn't cause her (ex)best friend was going to spend the night!!!!!!!!!

P.S The (ex)best friend is a real mean person and is a suck-up and she makes the best team for everything because of her older sister who is a really good player in everything she does make good teams cause she is good not because everyone thinks she is great just like her sister!!!

P.S.S THe (ex)best friend is one of the most popular kids in school could that be the reason my friend wants to be her puppydog cause she wants to be popular??????????




  1. I know how you feel about having a friend problem trust me i pray everyday that one doesn't happen, often my prayers aren't answered, but to me it sounds as if your friend is just looking for an easy way to be popular i really don't think she is a true friend if she just ditches you at the first sign of being popular. Just explain to your friend that your worried about her and really don't want her to be hurt for a second time. But just be careful because you don't know if this ex best friend has some hidden agenda up her sleeve she might just want to hurt your friend even more. I would go about this subtly. I hope my advise help a little bit, sorry i can't say much more to help you.

  2. share the friend, don't be selfish, it doesn't seem from your rhetoric that the other friend is that bad, you could try to become friends with the other person as well, then you guys could be the three musketeers or something, just relax and don't freak out about it

  3. well let ur friend test the waters. if she gets hurt again be their but dont tell her well i thought this would happen. cuz itll just make it worse for her. if it repeats itself over and over again then i say cut her loose.

    itll seem shes only ur friend to bounce on after her and her ex best friends arguments or fights.

    well if shes really mean then why is ur friend talkin to her?

    i dont think thats a true friend.


    and goodluck with that

  4. yeahshe could totally just be becoming friends w/ her (ex)bestfriend to be popular. That is really rude of her to dump you like that and you should tell her. Tell her that her friend might just hurt her again and being her little puppy isnt going to solve anything. she should be her own person, not some popular sidekick.


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