
FRIENDS WANTS TO DRIVE MY CAR, confused about insurance?

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Hey guys so I have a quick question. Me and my friends are driving up to one of my friends cottage. To get there we have to go through hwy, i JUST GOT my license like two weeks ago, and I do not feel confident enough to drive through a hwy, the thing is I am the only one that owns a van, and we all want to be together in the car...But bc I cant drive through hwy, my friend said that her boyfriend could drive my car.. Off course I told my parents and they said he couldn't bc he is not included in our insurance.. I told my friend and she said that it is fine as long as her bf is insured... so are my parents right? or is my friends bf correct?

anyways thx guys!




  1. The insurance follows the vehicle, not the driver.

    If your parents vehicle is insured and they give your friend permission to drive the van, he would be covered if in an accident.

    Just so long as its a one time thing.

    If this person has driven the van before, lives with you, didn't have permission, etc...... Then the insurance would not cover.

  2. Check with your insurance agent to be sure that you are covered even if your friends are driving.  Then you should ask to see your friends licenses.  Make sure they are current otherwise, you could be held responsible for any and all accidents.  Apologize to your friends for the inconvenience but, you may find that one or two of them doesn't even have a license.

  3. Well usually anyone is covered as long as they have permission to drive the car. So if you told your friends boyfriend that he could drive, he should be covered. It sounds like your parents just don't want him driving the car and i don't blame them, i wouldn't either. You should just drive. I know how you feel, when i first got my license i HATED driving on the highway. Then a couple weeks later drove three hours to Detroit to see my brother and i am so comfortable on the highway now. Its really easy, you should do it now and get used to it so you dont always have to worry about driving on the highway.

  4. Insurance follows the vehicle, NOT the driver. Your parents policy should cover him but have them call and ask their agent to double check.

  5. your parents do not want him to drive your car and that is reason they gave,you can continue to argue if you wish..but if your parents co signed or bought your car,,they did so because the trusted you. not just anyone that wants to drive your car. They are also worried about you being hurt in accident. if you have to lie to people that love and trust you,to make this trip, then dont go.--If their only concern is insurance you decide..ask your parents again to see If  they really have diff. concern.---Take care. There are advantages to taking two cars---some people want to leave at diff. times.and if you take your van anytime anyone wants to go some where you will have to drive them.  and if they will have alcohol or drugs ,that presents more possible problems.--take care   and if your friends  give you a hard time, just tell them what I told you!

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