

by  |  earlier

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i need to know what level i am on, I can do a front hand spring, double front handspring all the way up to six in a row with out pauses (hands feet hands feet ect.) but i can't do anything back wards! =[ what level would i be on?




  1. BEFORE anyone tells you what level you will be on or what level you want to be on, if this is for cheer I would go to tumbleing lessons at a gym a cheer gym because when i went for backhandspring.. I got mine the same day. They will help you get it and youll be on a higher team.

  2. You're probably doing step outs on the front handsprings.  I would say a level 3. Because level 4 you have to have a BHS.

  3. well were i do gymnastics you would be on advanced but not team

    I'm on team and you have to be able to go backwards! And do a lot of other stuff!

  4. same... when i try to go backwards i get scare
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