
FTA help , viewsat 2000?

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FTA help , Veiwsat 2000 platinum?

Hi im kinda new to FTA but recently my reciever went down so i uploaded some new keys i found , plugged back into my tv and BAM had tv back , it went down again today so i uploaded the newest keys i could find , when i connected back to the TV no channels were there so i scanned found all my original channels yet now when i try and watch it just says NO audio No video? anyone have any idea why this is? and how i can go about fixing it?




  1. Well, if you downloaded keys, your warranty with Viewsat will be voided, so unless you can do a full factory reset, you're out of luck there.

    Try to get some help. It's an online forum of FTA users, and you can post questions if you don't see any answers that help you.

    It sounds like a hardware issue, though. You may need to just get another receiver.

  2. Warranty will not be void by entering new keys, they are designed to manually enter keys.

    What will void your warranty is downloading a new BIN other than factory. Assuming your doing what I think your need a new current Google and you will find.

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