
FTM question about top surgery....?

by Guest62145  |  earlier

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I'm having open heart surgery soon and i want to know if this can complicate my future.

I'm pre everything and i haven't talked to a psychologist because i am waiting to turn 18 (I'm 17) before starting anything.

Is it possible i wont be allowed to go through the transitioning process??

And also there are two different ways of getting the surgery done one is in between my b*****s and the other is directly below my left breast.

Would one make it easier for my future plans?

Please give me at least some thoughts on it because i don't really have anyone to ask.




  1. The need for open heart surgery could certainly effect future surgeries down the road, but i don't see how it would prevent you from transitioning. Just be sure to be clear to your future surgeons about your medical history so they can make appropriate accommodation.

    Most any surgeon who specializes in chest reconstruction will now how to work with existing scar tissue from previous surgeries. If you know of a surgeon or two who you might choose for your chest reconstruction down the line, you might actually find it useful to email them and ask. Many surgeons are surprisingly responsive to inquiries from potential patients, and they will be able to address your question better than any of us on Yahoo Answers :-)

    If you haven't started researching surgeons yet, you might want to eyeball the archives and photos at the FTMSurgeryInfo yahoogroup if you haven't already.

  2. It all depends on your chest size, and what type of top surgery you will be getting. The only issue that might exist is scar tissue.

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