
FUEL and tax rip off when will it STOP?

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the price of a gallon is £6.00

But set to be £9.00 per gallon by the end of the summer.

And more road toll charges it cities IE manchester.

And lets not forget masive increses on car road TAX.





  1. I pay £5.30 at Heathrow area. But i think they shoulda drawn the limit at £5-00 a gallon.

  2. When the great WE get off our backsides and do something about it. Remember the Poll Tax demos?

    All we need is organising...lets go!

  3. What we need to do riot the french do as will any other country but the Brits are just gut less and will just pay up we are stupid

  4. There is no mileage in blaming governments for the price of fuel and energy. Simply put, oil prices are not controlled by any govt. And yes OPEC decisions affect oil prices  - but they only control 55% of the worlds oil.

    And if oil was actually running out - ie Peak Oil has arrived - there's nothing we can do about it. Simple supply and demand. And sure we have oil sands, shale oil and deep oil - but this is extremely expensive to extract. So oil prices will never go down to its former level....And if there is one thing that's guaranteed to make  people rage - it's anything that badly affects their lifestyles.

    ...And if oil prices keep going up which they probably will - the govt will need more and more money(due to the rising cost of oil and energy) from its people in order to run the country, run the NHS, Police, maintain roads and infrastructure, the armed forces and generally maintain what every UK citizen expects from its govt - thereby maintaining an orderly, peaceful and modern society.  

    It makes me chuckle when I read the UK political blogs. Do people really think that if the Cons or the Liberals or even the Greens got into power in the next election - do you really think they will abolish and scrap any of Gordy's 150 stealth taxes ? Do you really think it will be any better ?My God, as if blaming somebody is going to fix the problem !!

    In America, manufacturing is shrinking and unemployment

    is steadily rising now and wages will not rise for the same reasons. The UK and probably Europe will follow, as we always do. Recession is almost certainly coming.

    Oil will be the reason that the price of petrol, electricity, water, food, plastics, medicines, holidays, school uniforms, beer, cigarettes, iPods, BMWs, EVERYTHING will go up...

    Yes, people are suffering and as I've said before - there is nothing worse than when you suddenly realize that you will have to downsize your lifestyle.....


  5. get used to it.  It will continue to rise

  6. When you quit lying on your **** and help us take down OPEC, mate.

  7. It won't stop.

  8. The oil price is not going to go down quickly, so it's only the govt. who can reduce the price of petrol at the pumps. And we all know that politicians respond to only 2 things: money and votes. Which one do you have?

    Here in Saudi Arabia, the cost of petrol actually went down recently - to 5p a litre. So filling up my car costs me about 4 quid. I hope you up a bit!

  9. The french (us the f**king french lol) let this happen without doing people is incredibly divided since Sarkozy come to power.

    My hope is seeing the whole europe beginning to wake up.

  10. it will stop when Englishmen grow i wouldn't hold your breath. ha ha it kills me when people say lets boycott petrol stations. for every £5.00 you pay at the pumps, the petrol company get about 50p.....the rest is stolen by the British government in various taxes. wake up for Christ's sake.....its not  the petrol companies  that are ripping you off. if they had their way, you would be paying about  one pound fifty  a gallon profits would be pouring in and every thing would be rosy....its the frigging thieving government that's killing you. to pay for millions of immigrants. huge pay offs to various African dictators. massive aid to India?? (one of the most successful country's in Asia.) illegal pointless wars!! second London homes for MPs....fiddled expense accounts, huge pension pay outs. ......that's where your petrol pump theft  is going. if it p*sses you off, DO SOME THING ABOUT IT !!!

  11. When worldwide demand for oil decreases, prices will go down.  Additionally, it would help in each country if the value of their respective currency was high, so then you could purchase more for one unit of currency, since oil comes from a global market.  Third, investors, refinery efficiency, and many other factors contribute to gas prices.

  12. Fuel prices in your country, which is by "pounds", will not be reduced any faster than fuel prices in my country which is in dollars.

    If, accoding to economists, the price of fuel used to "run our cars" is based on "supply and demand", the most strategic thing consumers can do is reduce our automobile use--walk to work when possible, use the public transit system to go to the Mall. Drive your teen-agers, who you are paying insurance for, and paying gas for, to school. You may have to get up an hour earlier; but, you will probably save $6 a day in gasoline. Six dollars may not seem like a lot, but multiply $6 times 20 days of school each month, and that's $120 a month!

    The only way people can put a stop to rising gas prices is to curtail their use of gas.

  13. It is getting a bit ridiculous the way the motorist is being persecuted by this government.  They just view us as a piggy bank !

  14. we have to let the oil giants realise we wont put up with it, and there are general and by elections, boycott the the garages that sell esso shell and other large companies that have massive profits while the likes of the lower paid and senior citizens struggle to keep a car on the road, if we hit them where it hurts they may drop the price at the pump. get your fuel from the smaller oil companies, and if you have a spare £1500 convert your cars to lpg, it halved my fuel cost, its cleaner for the environment and you get the cost back with the saving you made at the pump.

  15. the whole country should go on strike over the highly taxed  British fuel every thing is more expensive because of the high price of fuel

  16. Funny how the apathetic Brits have let Gordon introduce and increase hundreds of taxes over the last 11 years and not complained one dickiebird Put up the cost of petrol and everybody cries "foul" To pay for his borrowing and debts Gordon is going to have to tax us more, not less. Get used to it.

  17. We are not close enough to a general election for Mr Brown to do a jot. Local labour MPs should be lobbied until enough of them fear for their future gold plated pensions to issue a vote of no confidence in his leadership.

  18. There is a campaign on the go for everyone to boycott Shell and Esso petrol stations. The theory is that if enough people join this campaign it will force Shell and Esso to cut their prices which in turn should force all the others to follow suit.. Everyone should publicise it by e-Mailing 10 friends who in turn would e-Mail 10friends and so on

    I don't know if it will work but I have not heard any better suggestions.

    As far as tax is concerned the government hides behind the green issue. This has no credibility while they are supporting the expansion of our air traffic (e.g terminal 5)

  19. Until the majority stand up and say "enough is enough, we aren't paying", it will carry on.

    Mass civil disobedience is the only way to change anything.

    Like or loathe the French, they have it sussed there.

  20. I have said it before and will say it again. The country as a whole needs to leave the car at home and use public transport. This will cause chaos throughout, and will also hit the petrol companies where it hurts, in their sales.

    Unfortunately this Country has no backbone. Since the war it has gradually been stripped from us by new laws and stealth. When a person allows themselves to be browbeaten, they become subservient and that's how I see this country. The can French show us the way, lets follow their example and get something organised.

  21. And to think that £2 a gallon is causing a crisis in the USA!

    The REAL problem is that countries like India and China do not just NOT tax their fuel, they also subsidise it. Which means that drivers in the 'emergant' economies end up paying non of the price rises. Whereas in the UK we have a doubly whammy : We not only feeling the cold wind of 'free market' price-fixing, but are being hammerd by our own Government for the privalege of going about our economic activity. This is great news for the emergant economies, but a disaster for our own.

    Our Government does not seem to understand that an addiction to taxation is VERY bad for our nation, and very good for everyone else. Unless that is, they WANT to destroy our economy?

    Sadly, NONE of the political parties offers any alternative: both Tory and Lib Dem are committed to RAISING fuel taxes for 'green' reasons.

    + BTW The US may REVALUE the US Dollar to make gasoline cheaper in the US. This will be a total f*****g disaster for the UK economy!

  22. Until the British people make a stand, however over the last 10 years we've lost our backbone and spirit so don't be expecting anything happening just yet, even the French (yes the f*cking French) wouldn't have let it get this bad.

  23. There is much worse to come.  I saw one American specuator on TV predicting the price of oil would read about $300pb by about November/December 2008.

    Sales of petrol (gas) at the pumps here in UK is now down 20% - how many garages can sustain such loses and survive?  Not many.

    Meanwhile, because of the fuel crisis, coal is now back on the list of to use fuels.  Yes coal, that filth and smoke making black stuff we all used to burn at home when I was a kid and when steam locos thundered through the countryside beltching black smoke.  Great daze. . . .


    I'm not suggesting we're going to return to the romance of steam locomotives - no.  What is happening now is that the are seeing coal as a source of energy for the future.  UK has about 200 years worth of coal still under ground ready to be dug out.

    What of the pollution caused by the burnig of coal in power stations to make electricity?

    Oh that. . . .well, errr, we're working on a method thing, etc.

    Hard to believe now but right into the 1980s, what is now Tate Modern was actually a coal fired power station known as the Bankside Power Station - built in the 1930s and beltching smoke right across central London.

    Oh well. . . .

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