
FUNNY TTC STORY everyone ... this will make it easier for all of you. .. well maybe.?

by  |  earlier

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OKAY, so yesterday I decided that I was going to do a HPT ... even though AF isn't due yet. (I am an addict) Anyhow ... I bought some bulk HPT and LH strips off of a site on the internet, they are just the dip strips and the only way that you can tell the difference is that the individual packs have the label very small on there that says either HPT or LH ... well ... I sat there squirmingly and waited the usual 5 minutes ... and all of a sudden I saw a faint test line .. I was like OMG finally ... after trying for over a year ... and after a few minutes of thinking is this really happening, I notified my husband who came running to the bathroom when I called ... and he knew what to expect !!! After some brief celebration, we got to discussing that it was really early to be seeing a positive. He walked over to the sink and picked up the package that said LH dip strip ... I was so embarassed .. and a little dissapointed ... but anyhow ... there is my blonde moment for the week.




  1. Awww LOL...thanks for sharing..this did brighten my mood this morning!

  2. thanks for sharing, I hope you get your BFP soon!  

  3. Ah bless! That was a good one. I burst out laughing here in the office.  Glad to hear i'm not the only one that has blonde moments!!

  4. wow i could only imaging the feeling but i will share with you some of my baby dust sprinkles to you god bless good luck..hopefully your next post will be that you finally have your BFP....*^j^* >>>>>>>>;;;;;;;;

  5. Oh my goodnes - you handled it well. I would have bawled for hours.

  6. I was really frustrated today and I just laughed my butt of reading this, but I feel guilty laughing, I'm sorry you took the wrong test but imagine when you conceive and your child grows up. You will have a very silly story to tell them. I hope you end up getting your BFP this month. Thank you for making me smile today...good luck and baby dust.

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