
Fabulous Moolah vs Gail Kim ?

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Fabulous Moolah Is Kurt angle of Womes Wrestling than Trish & Mickie james & next we thought it was Candice Michellee

But Cant no body Replace Gail In my Book

so would Have Won If Moolah was in her Prime vs Gail Kim To Day

& extra Question get this you get 5 Stars

Fabulous Moolah Sherri vs Mickie James & Trish




  1. Moolah

  2. tie

  3. I don't know that is a tough one. Gail kim is probably the best womens wrestler to come along in my life time. and moolah is a legend. I think that if you go with throwing out the rules and anything goes, Moolah wins. If you go with a strictly technical match inside the ring, gail wins.

    fabulous moolah, sherri.

  4. the fabulos moolah wil win all those matches.

  5. Moolah hands down

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