
Face/acne treatment for tonight ?

by  |  earlier

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i've basically got tonight and all day tomorrow to relax. I want to use the time for a chance to work on my skin.

My nose and cheeks have a lot of black heads. Also, the area between my eyebrows has a lot too.

My forehead has a few small whiteheads and blackheads around my hairline.

My chin has few blackheads, but on the right side below my lip i have a TON of little whiteheads that looks soo ugly.

Basically, the worst part of my face is my jawline/back of my cheeks.

I have a lot of redness and some small small scabs because i used to pick a lot! that you know all about my skin..i was wondering if anyone knows of any at-home treatments i can keep myself busy with tonight to help my acne.

my skin is a little oily when i dry it out, so i would like to avoid that. What i mostly want is to get rid of the blackheads.

i have a ton of skin products!! exfoliater, moisturizer, soap, cleanser, toner, proactive, lotion, and blackhead squeezers.





  1. there's not much u can do...nutin will happen in a nite..

    but i would recomend gettin a facial...

    izz the best they'll take out all ur black heads...n also none of the products like proactive n stuff work..soo dont use them.

  2. try biore ultra deep cleansing pore strips.1# wash face w/ facial scrub#2  wet face w/ water  where u put pore strips on  wait 10 -15 min. #3 steam face w/hot water for stubborn blackheads pat dry wwwww/ towel #4 squeeze blackheads will b a lot easier to pop since ur pores r open from steaming ur face #5 rinse face w/ cold water to close pores. good luck!!!. pore strips work wonders getting deep blackheads..

  3. i am thinking that maybe your skin is too overworked. all those products can actually make your skin worse. if i were u, i would use an oil-free cleanser, or blackhead elimanator type cleanser. only one. wat i would do is two things. the first one may not work for u but it worked for me. 1 boil some water. 2 put the boiling water in a bowl. 3 get a towel. 4 sit down with your face right over the bowl, (you will feel the steam). it may seem reeeeaally hot, but be strong. 5 now u put the towel over your head and over the towel, basically covering everything. close your eyes, breathe in and out, or whatever u need to do. just sit ther in the steam until the water has cooled down. then u can take the towel off and got wash your face and wipe it well. if u really need to, u can take off the towel during the process, cuz it does get a little hot. wat this whole process does is works like a facial. it opens ur pores and washes it out to completely get rid of blackheads. now, the second choice is to get a really good facial, which i think can cost u alot of money. for whiteheads and acne, i would stick with products. home remedies never work. and also remember that the first facial process i told u may not work for u. every person has different skin and different things work on different people. so just try it, it is not hard and it is not a big deal. good luck! and experiment with products!  

  4. hmm

    try toothpaste

  5. There isn't much you can do to get rid of it tonight, in fact you will never completely rid yourself of the skin you have.

    Clearing up your skin is a long term commitment.   The most important thing you can do to clear up your skin is change your diet.  Eliminate sugar and processed foods and chemicals.  Do not drink soda, drink plenty of bottled water to flush the toxins from your body.  Be careful what you put on your skin.  Many of the drying acne products work to your disadvantage, they dry your skin, causing your skin to actually produce more oil to compensate.  Get some pure aloe vera juice and put it in your refridgerator and splash your face with it after you wash. It will help heal and tighten the look of your pores with out leaving residue, just clean and soft.

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