
Face book question?

by  |  earlier

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Could you please tell me how to delete my icons on the left hand side of my page .I have far too many that i dont use.




  1. go to the top on the left side of the page and it says edit at the top..then there is a list of all your things...and delete

  2. click on it so it takes you to the relevant application box on your profile

    click on the little cross at the top left of the box

    then click remove application

    .. i think! =)

  3. Click on applications(on the left side of your profile),and all the applications you have will appear in a long/short list,depending on how many you have.

    You can delete them from there,and only the ones you want will be left.

    I'm not sure if you can delete all of them,but you probably can.

    Good luck!

  4. hey hiya

    well... icons in a sense u meant di applications.... well u can either go to application edit tab n delete da ones u no longer use .. or frm ur profile page itself delete thm one by one by clicking the close option... best way is go to applications(edit) on di left side below di facebook logo ... hope this has helped you
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