
Face off with the Russians?

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We have almost twice the number of people Russia has but how could we invade such a large and vast country, would we suffer just like the Germans or could we actually penetrate deep into Russian soil ?

Would The UK, France, Germany , Spain and Italy help us?




  1. There is no need to invade or occupy. It will be a simple enough matter to eliminate their military infrastrure while they are still a very weak military. Within 30 days Russia would be set back 20 years on top of the 20 years they are already behind.

    We would not engage Russia without the request of NATO.  

  2. we barely have enough troops to handle iraq and Afghanistan...we are in no position short of an all out call to all our reserves of doing anything against russia..

    plus the euros would not help..they are now energy hostages of russia...

  3. While an actual invasion into Russia is unrealistic (and suicidal), it would still fair better than Hitler's.

    You have to take advances in technology into account. The advent of the helicopter alone would make it very different from the German invasion.

    I doubt any European nations (except maybe Georgia) would support America simply invading Russia, without some unprecedented provocation from Russia.

  4. well it just happen to be that Russia has draft and can draft even more men then they have now. also if Americans were to invade Russia they would all be killed by partisans, just like Germans in the WW II by Stalingrad city.

    Meggie get real

  5. Great idea comrade!

  6. wy here part of nato are allys the in georga for some good reason i hope..........

  7. Ain't gonna happen. We will never launch a ground assault against Russia. We may try lots of other leverage, including the infamous 'economic sanctions' if it came to that, but we're a long way off from even that... Right now we're in the 'tough talk and hope they blink' stage -- which should last quite awhile.  

  8. The UK would support the USA no matter what, right or wrong just like with Iraq. We always do for some reason. But i doubt very much if any country went to war with russia they would win. Simply because Russia is a nation that is fearless and will fight by any means. Look at all the people they've had poisoned. Why do you think thousands of n**i soldiers handed themselves into the british and americans but ran away from the Soviets? Because of their brutality. The Uk and America are too politically correct to take them on. If you get what i mean.  

  9. why are you even worried about russia?? we aren't going to go to war with them....christ!

  10. I have no doubt we could handle them and do quite well but im sure they dont feel that way but i do believe there would be loss of life on both sides  as we go deep into the country.We are much more powerful and we would have no problems After all we are America  

  11. Russia is historically a military blackhole. It happened to Hitler and it happened to Napoleon, and it could easily happen to us. Not that we WANT to fight Russia at all, because that would be stupid, but we definitely don't want to launch a land invasion from Russia's southwestern border. Not to mention we probably wouldn't get much support from anyone.

  12. First off we will never invade Russia, if push came to shove we would supply a resistance and let them do the work for us.  But Russia is not a world power anymore other then their nuclear arsenal, which they are way to smart to unleash.

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