Question: this real or is this a stupid thing someone made up?

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I got one of these in my inbox from one of my friends:

Attention all Facebook members.

Facebook is recently becoming very overpopulated,

There have been many members complaining that Facebook

is becoming very slow.Record shows that the reason is

that there are too many non-active Facebook members

And on the other side too many new Facebook members.

We will be sending this messages around to see if the

Members are active or not,If you're active please send

to 15 other users using Copy+Paste to show that you are active

Those who do not send this message within 2 weeks,

The user will be deleted without hesitation to create more space,

If Facebook is still overpopulated we kindly ask for donations but until then send this message to all your friends and make sure you send

this message to show me that your active and not deleted.

Founder of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg


so is this real or not? It seems like it's fake and I don't want to pass it on if it is.




  1. It seems that these days people simply enjoy spreading disinformation.  The charging your ipod with an onion thing on youtube... also fake, never supposed to be real!  In email people can at least spread spyware or viruses by doing things like this however on facebook it is simply annoying.

    It is clearly fake, i recently got a version that misspelled Zuckerberg's name!  Facebook would never send out anything like this, it is against all their policies.  If they really wanted to check for active users they could send a message to every person, im sure they have a registry.  Why would they ask users to forward it to each other?

  2. definitly fake, facebook will never send you messages that ask you to forward something, its against their policy

  3. It's completely false.

    Check this site for more information:

  4. s***w that. i didnt get one so its probably fake. and i barly use facebook now a days.

    probably some person wanted people to get off of facebook and sent it,.  

  5. It's fake. Don't pass it on. It may be a virus as well so if you receive another message like that just delete it or don't open it.

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