
Facebook profiles may get deleted?

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I got this letter in my facebook inbox .What do you make of this:

Attention all Facebook members.

Facebook is recently becoming very overpopulated,

There have been many members complaining that Facebook

is becoming very slow.Record shows that the reason is

that there are too many non-active Facebook members

And on the other side too many new Facebook members.

We will be sending this messages around to see if the

Members are active or not,If you're active please send

to 15 other users using Copy+Paste to show that you are active

Those who do not send this message within 2 weeks,

The user will be deleted without hesitation to create more space,

If Facebook is still overpopulated we kindly ask for donations but until then send this message to all your friends and make sure you send

this message to show me that your active and not deleted.

Founder of Facebook

Mark Zuckerber




  1. OMG, the less people that believe the c**p like this that people circulate around the net, the better this world would be, why would anyone in their right mind believe a message that has been forwarded by someone else. Don't you think that if Facebook really were running out of space, they would just send the message to every user. Use your head.

  2. This is a scam, just ignore it, and don't pass it on...

  3. Don't do anything about it it's probably just rubbish. Facebook is NOT over populated.  

  4. i sent it, i know its spam, just for the heck of it, and to let the frends of mine who sent the dumb messages know how annoying it is to get 20 of the same messages.

  5. It's a big fat fake spam chainletter.

    Delete it and please don't forward it.

    It's just like that c**p of "Please forward this letter to 20 people in 5 minutes or else your secret crush will die at midnight"

    blah, blah, blah.

  6. lol i just asked this question too. I read the above answers and its probly just c**p but idk. part of me wants 2 send it....

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