
Facial muscle spasms

by Guest56066  |  earlier

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For sometime now ive been having small muscle spasms in my face and a kind of prickly sensation going on. This is mainly around my lip and chin area but can be all over. the muscles in my chin and lips twitch in the same way that you may get an involuntary twitch with your eye which is quite common. The symptoms are getting more frequent, and i wondered if anyone has had these symptoms or could tell me what is causing them?




  1. maybe the onset of bells palsy or a facial tic which can occur for no reason.

    i would advise a trip to your GP to get it checked out

  2. It could be the beginning of Bell's Palsy.  You need to seek medical treatment asap.  Please see a Doctor today.  It can paralyze part of your face.

  3. go to the doctor, this could be serious. make sure you arent stressed out.  

  4. please see a specalist in a hospital with a dentist,tis feeling is no  could be something to do with nerves,that are stress due to clenching your jaws to tight or have bruxisim,clenching your teeth at night while at sleep.I had it before.

    cool down and relax.

  5. Hey, this was bothering me a few weeks ago

    Turned out that it was because of the music I was listening to (wasn't even spasm-y music)  

  6. Nothing to worry about, just a simple magnesium deficiency. Try eating more fruits and vegetables or taking a supplement.

  7. Have you had any trauma to the head lately?  It also could be caused by stress that is pinching a nerve.  I'd go to the doctor... my friend had partial facial paralysis for 3 months because she go too stressed out.
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