
Facing homelessness what do I do?

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with two teen agers, 2 dogs, 2 where to go small disability check. how do I find a home?




  1. Try social services, they can reccomend landlords and sometimes even help with the deposite. Local housing authority. They are a income based company.

  2. Homeless shelter. If teens are old enough they can get part time jobs.

    Depending on what state you are in as to the programs that are offered.

    If you have a substance abuse problem or not. Basicly what the reasons for you to be in that situation are all considered to help you help yourself. Why do you haved 4 animals to support if you can not take care of yourself and your children?. Animal are an expense.. food, shots etc.......Priorities!!!

  3. There are resources at your child's school. Go see the school/community liaison or assistant, they should be able to give you lots of support and help and posibly find you a place to stay.  

  4. Come together as a family. You and the teen agers need to have a roof over your heads. I came from a poor family. I worked since I was 13 years old. If I didn't..I had nothing. the teenagers need to understand the situation and get jobs and help. I know it is hard to ask your children to work and pay bills but again it is a valuable lesson and teaches them the value of your work. You do what you have to do. the only other option is public housing. Contact your local H.U.D. office in your phone book and they will guide you to public housing. Rent and utilities will be based on income. H.U.D. = Housing and urban development.

  5. Go to the local community center or community office and ask what you can do. Try to find a higher paying job. If your teenagers understand, ask them to go work. Don't force them to. If they do go work, any money they earn, let them keep it to go buy clothes and whatnot.

    Keep the pets.

  6. there are what is called family shelters. there are safe and you will be housed in a room with your kids. they feed etc. also go on line and see if there are any sec 8 list u can get on for homeless people. this is done thru housing authority. it'll be ok. u will get thru this to. good luck on your journey and god bless.

  7. I dont know where you live but in the uk, you go to your local council : )

  8. you ditch the pets and all the c**p you don't need,learn how to properly budget,get the kids into part time jobs,find work for yourself and cram yourself into a small apt...then rebuild,just like the rest of us.

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