
Fact or Fiction?: Living People Outnumber the Dead?

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  1. I dont know but many people died and many people or  a few people was born in some part of the world after . if the dead out lived the living then i think the number of the living would keep decreasing until every ones dead and theres no one living heres how i will explain my theory . ok lets look at this on a small scale of dead and living if  there was only 10 living and 20 dread then if the dead out numbered the living then after some time the 20 would go up higher  and the 10 lower until there is no one living but may be 20 would keep going up and the 10 would keep going up  but never catching up with the 20 in other words my theory would be wrong and the dead do out number the living .I tryed to prove that the living do out  number the dead but I failed.

  2. Pure fiction. Life is short and death forever - dead will always outnumber us, because their number only increases, but number of living increases on the one side and decreases on the other.

  3. Fact...

  4. Fiction, only 10 percent of people that have EVER lived are living right now.

    The 90% are dead.

  5. Claim:   The number of people alive today is greater than the number of people who have ever died.

    Status:   False.

    Origins:   Any statement about the number of people who have died since time began is, of course, a rough estimate, and the answer is also largely dependent upon our definition of when "time began." Estimates for the number of people who have died since the pyramids were built (i.e., about 5,000 years ago) are around 6 billion, which is fairly close to the current world population. But if we consider modern humans to have emerged around 40,000 to 45,000 years ago, estimates about the number of dead in human history vary widely — anywhere from 12 billion to up to 110 billion. However, most demographers peg the number of dead at approximately 60 billion, which means that there are several dead ancestors for each one of us, and we're not likely to catch up for a long, long time — if ever.

    Last updated:   31 October 2001

  6. The best estimates of the top anthropologists counting back 100,000 years believe that appx. 120 Billion Homo Sapiens have been born...

    The human population on earth today is approaching 7 Billion...


      -----------------------  =.0583, or appx.5.83% of all people, live now!


  7. Fact.  Well, thinking it over I really don't know.  We have nothing to rely upon but guestimates, as there is no way to know for certain.  But, I wouldn't be surprised if it were the case.

  8. i dont think so

  9. Nobody died yet. They all live in/thru their offspring

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