
Fact or Fiction Men Have a Genetic Biological Clock?

by Guest59007  |  earlier

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  1. Interesting article, I never really thought of things that way. I always figured since sperm production was an ongoing process that so long as the man kept his pipes moving, there would be no deterioration like women experience with eggs, which they get once and keep for the rest of their lives. Never thought to wonder about the actual sperm factories going downhill with age LOL

    That being said I don't really think of it as a biological clock like it is for women. When I think of biological clocks, it's not only the whole decline in fertility, it's just the "I have to have a baby now" urge. Most men I know don't have that urge. Even if they'd like to have kids one day, I've never known a man to pressure his wife for a baby for the sake of having one before it's too late for him. Now pressuring for an heir or a son is different; has nothing to do with HIS biological clock but more for his need to continue family lines or rule over something.

    I've only known one man to ever say "I want to have a baby now" and actively took steps to make it happen. After I heard the words come out of his mouth, he found a woman, had a lavish wedding with her and conceived in less than a year. He wasn't old, but his circumstances led me to believe it was not a matter of a male biological clock but a matter of giving his terminally ill mother her first grandchild (and hopefully a grandson) before she died. So even though he loves his wife and all that, I think he was motivated more by his need to fulfill his dying mother's wishes rather than his own urge to have a baby.

    Bottom line: imo, male biological clocks are fiction.

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