
Fact or fiction: God is not mocked... is it true?

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Galatians 6:7 (kjv)

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

can you mock God? if so, what are the consequences?

anyway, it clearly says 'God is not mocked'

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  1.    It  is  true,God is not mocked,

      and  those  that  do  this  will  fill  God,s wrath.

  2. It's true, you can only mock those that believe in Him.

  3. In other words, If you mock God, there is a coming Judgement, when every word, thought, and deed that we have done in this life will be judged by God. With that in mind, it's not wise to mock God.

  4. Look at me I'm God! I like sending innocent and kind people to h**l for eternity because they didn't believe the rumors I started thousands of years ago!!! I like killing children with painful diseases and birth defects! I cast Satan to h**l because he refused my many sexual advances!

  5. Galatians 6:7 "Do not be misled:  God is not one to be mocked.  For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap"

    We can mock God in many different ways, name calling, deliberately doing something we know to be wrong, mocking his teachings and guidance, etc.

    The consequences come in a variety of ways particular to what we have done.  Many times wrongdoing is  not known to others but Our Heavenly Father knows.

    Example - Commit Adultery - Maybe we may lose our family or respect of our family members that we love.  Thats a consequence.

    Example - Stealing - If you get caught you May have to go to jail.  

    Consequences may vary according to circumstances and your personal attitude.

    God also is a "forgiving" God, for those who truly are sorry and turn around the other way.  But we still may have to reap the "consequences" of what we have done wrong.

  6. history is full of people who say things about God and wind up dead.  John Lennon is one.   so can't mock God and get away with it.  after all, he did create us so it's obvious that he can also take us out as well.  never bite the hand that feeds you.

  7. I think Pan would like a good mocking.   Eris too and Kali - This god with a capital G is a bit precious and up himself.  All the others seem to cope okay. Ach! these young ones coming along...  

  8. For every idle word spoken, we will stand before Almighty God and give an account for it.

    The consequence is that if your sins have not been forgiven and if the Holy Spirit has not purified and refined you and have you ready to meet the Lord, then you are facing h**l fire.  By believing in Jesus and what He did on the cross for you and me, we accept His free gift of Salvation and His atonement for our sins.  He gives us the Holy Spirit to help in our Salvation.  The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins and helps us remove those sins from our lives. The Holy Spirit purifies and refines us and what He starts in us He is more than able to finish.  We can be sure of our Salvation and we have the assurance of eternal life.

  9. People may mock god, but how could an entity like God feel such a small insult by ignorant people? So god may be mocked but unless you really annoy him hes not going to do anything to you. lol. You choose your own path. He gave you free choice. If that leads to some 'consequences' i think  that they are purely coincidental and part of a guilty mind seeking answers.

    If that made sense.... it made sense in my head :S

  10. yes, God can be mocked..."vengeance is mine said the Lord"...oh yes, there will be consequences.  

  11. It meant to say God should not be mocked.  

    But that's not true either, since there is no god.

    You just have to read the Bible with a little poetic indulgence.

    Let's all just lighten up (but don't mock).

  12. Semantics...

    "God is" = false

    "God is imaginary" = true

    "God is mocked" = frequently

    one more time...

    "God is" = false

  13. /me mocks god.  Mock mockity mock-mock-mock.

    Hrm.  Seems the Bible is wrong.

    Surprised?  I wasn't.

  14. Well, I'm not sure how to interpret the words.  I don't know if you can mock something that you don't think exists.  I don't know if mocking the *idea* of God is the same thing.

  15. I cannot mock the non-existent but i sure can the one, who says, it is ´´out there´´

    One golden rule:

  16. Um, I think in context it means that when all is said and done, God will not be mocked.

    There are those who mock Him now. Many of them contribute to R&S. But there will be a "day of reckoning" for all of us.

    I reckon that will be a tough day for many and a great day for others. What do you reckon?

  17. Which God? Whichever it is, I mock him. Whozat?

    The main point to retain here is that you are supposed to be afraid. Do otherwise than as we say and you will perish in the everlasting burning afterlife or something like that. If that works on you, so be it. But it doesn't work on me.

  18. True. And again knowledge without the practical ability to apply it in your life is worse then useless.

  19. God's mom is so fat, she has her own zip code.

  20. god cannot be mocked because he doesn't exist, but i will continue to mock the idea of him :P

  21. I "MOCK" the fake Prick every minute of every day.

    No Worries.

  22. Even though man still mocks God, it means that God himself, or Itself, can not be touched or effected by mocking or slandering or name calling.  It means God is above such behavior and cannot be offended.

    The only person it will have an effect on is the mocker himself, or, herself.  In that, it never feels right inside when behaving badly toward someone or something, we always feel a disturbing twinge inside when calling someone a name or a bad word, or talking behind someone's back.

    It's much easier to say nothing at all than to mock someone, 'anyone,' no matter who it is.

    God cannot be mocked because God is beyond this behavior.  The only one that will suffer is the mocker, 'what so ever they sow."  In other words the only one they will end up mocking will be themselves and no one else due to their own immature behavior, what ever that may involve.

    Also, the louder the mocker is, the less belief they have in themselves oddly enough.  That will change and mature with time...

  23. I think those verses (the next couple go with that one) are meant for Christians.  People who have chosen Christ.  I would call this the law of reaping and sowing and it has to do with our lives here and our rewards in heaven.

    It goes along with the idea of salvation by grace and is meant to remind us that we cannot just do whatever we wish and think it's okay.

    That is not to say there will not be a time of accounting for unbelievers, I just don't think that verse is about that.

  24. Well, I mock God all the time. I've never been smitted, but there is a very funny article you should look at. Some guy "swore to god that his payments for his house were on time". A minute later he was struck by lightning. Found that kinda funny.

    Anyways, yes, mock God all that you want. The real consequence is when you have to run for your life from angry bible beaters who hear you.

  25. I mock believers.  I don't see how I can mock something that doesn't exist.  However, I guess a Christian could mock God.  They'd have some serious repenting to do though.

  26. This means "go ahead with your slandering and mocking, see who has the last laugh..."

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