
Fade out a person in a movie?

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How do i fade out one person in a video on Windows Movie Maker. One person out at a time.




  1. you cant, not on windows movie maker.  it is to much of an amateur program.  windows movie maker is basically, just cutting clips and putting them together with some music.  if you want to do effects like that i would start considering getting a new program.  i use mac not pcs so i couldnt recommend any programs for pc, but just ask it as a YA! question, and i'm sure people will have some nice recommendations for you

  2. Put the camera on a tripod, have everyone in the shot, then have everyone freeze and have the first person run out of the shot and wait several seconds before yelling unfreeze. Then do this for everyone else. When editing, just cut out the sections where the people run out of frame, and then add a simple crossfade between clips. Perfect.

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