
Faded spots on table from a magic eraser?

by  |  earlier

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My daughter had left her straightening Iron on the table. thinking because it was off it wasnt going to hurt it, but of course it was still hot, and it left 2 burn marks in the table, the marks were not grooved at all, so i thought ide try a magic eraser, dang it works on everything, so anyway, it worked but after it dried, it left white spots almost like i had rubbed off the varnish, which indeed is what probably happened. I paid 1,700 for this table and it looks like c**p now. I dont want to refinish the whole table, can anyone help me please?




  1. Tinting oil, paint are the only solution. I don't think the magic eraser is that strong to cause a white spot on your table. It's the straightener, tell your daughter DONOT EVER PUT A STILL-HOT STRAIGHTENER ON A TABLE OR ANYWHERE, in a box would be just right.

  2. plain....WHITE! (only white) toothpaste. Put the toothpaste on the spot and take a toothbrush and rub it in. Leave it there for a while and then wipe it off. I swear it works. It will help you so please try!!!

  3. paint is your solution

  4. My mom used to use mayo to "condition" a table once when a simalar thing happend.

    U can also try that colord pinesol. I would spot test no matter what you deside to do.

  5. There is a "tinted" lemon oil polish you can purchase which may work.  Darn I can't think of the name.  It's not pledge or anything cheap like that.  Sorry but try looking at walmart and you'll find it.  Good luck

  6. you can get in the furniture polish section some scratch cover

    stuff, matching the color with your table, depending on the

    severity of the spots it may work with a few applications, if not

    it would have to be refinished.  good luck i hope this helps.

  7. they have sticks out that match the grain of your table at the hardware store find the one closest to your table go to the hardware store explain your situation and the matching wood grain you heard about and they will find it for you all you do it rub it on the spot and your table looks like nothing ever happend to it.

  8. Magic Eraser... Ahhh my best friend. My kids wrote on our dining set with permanent marker and the Magic Eraser got it out.  It did not leave white spots but it left a dull spot which I buffed out with one of those nail files that has a buffer on it. Maybe you could also try one of those stain pens that you get from Home Depot to clean up chips. I would try to blend a little of that in with your finger let it sit for a while. Once your done buff it out with a nail buff (the side with no grit of course) If you do'nt have one use a flannel shirt or something very soft to try and get a shine going.

  9. You can get a professional to match the stain and varnish in that one spot (or try it yourself). If you do remember to sand it.

    The actual cleaning solution in a magic eraser IS a white powdery substance... Try wiping it a few times with plain water...

    In any case, I don't things those are supposed to be used one wood.

    Good luck!

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