
Failed 1st driving test, my examiners were really annoying!! Should I change driving instructor?

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Ok, so there were these 2 examiners (we have 2 examiners in southern europe where I am from) sitting at the back seat and making me feel so insecure, I was already panicking by the time they told me to do my uphill start, can you imagine these people made me do it 3 times? all of which I did well but i wonder why they did that (note: the two students before me who also had to do an uphill start failed instantly because of nerves, they were right in front of me and my driving instructor, who was sitting beside me).So, I was so nervous and thought I did well, did my three-point turn, my reverse and finally the right reverse parking, I totally messed up with this one! All I had to do was straighten my wheels up, I was already inside my spot. Then the smart-*** female examiner asked me this 9trick?) question: "Ok, so now, you have to straighten your car up. You have two options: either get out of the parking space and do it over again or (stay here) and fix it by three moves. What will you do?" I thought that because I was not aligned properly and parallel to the curb (my steering wheel was a bit to the right), it would make more sense for me to just get out and do it all over again. Right at that moment, she told my instructor to take the steering wheel (I failed instantly, that is). That was it. I could not believe it!! She did not even let me manoevre my car!! I actually failed a 'theoretical' question during my practical part!What the heck? Is that fair? Is it legal?

Ok, now before y'all start shooting at me, I know I could have got an instant fail sooner or something but this was so weird! I did not know what hit me! The particular examiner had arranged to be bribed or so my instructor told me (yes, yes, if you do not bribe here, you're not normal and I know it shouldn't be this way but it is, unfortunately) but there she was cutting me off so abruptly. Note that the other male examiner was more civil with me and he sure was not accepting any bribes.

The whole point is that I failed because of nerves, I was shaking from head to toe and although I did my best, it seems that the degradation of our country has seeped in so deeply into its people that if you do not bribe, you cannot secure your pass. So, people in the UK, consider yourselves lucky. I have watched some driving tests on youtube and all the examiners do there is sit beside you and give you directions, not like mine who were both sitting behind me, I could not check my blind spots, nothing, not to mention that they always making observations (you do not have to come all the way to the curb [in the three-point turn], there is lots of space), just let me do it woman and just observe!! So, please consider that you are so much better off than us south Europeans..

My instructor told me that I was so close to passing it, of course, he also added, it would have been so much simpler if BOTH examiners were accepting to be bribed. He would also have a share in the money, they usually settle that among themselves, examiners and instructors. I was told that the reason I did not pass was that they properly did not settle the amount of money among themseleves.Now, he expects me that I will go back and start lessons with him but I have the notion that he is ripping me off, one of my colleagues at work told me that he was mischievous and that he kept the bribe money that she had given to him with the intent of him giving it to the examiners. I asked him if I can re-sit my theory test without taking classes again(too much money and I already know my theory like the back of my hand!)and he told me I would have to do it all over again. I do not waste time and money. I learned with him but he only taught me the left reverse parking 2 days before taking my practical test! Is there something off with this guy?

Sorry for the lenghty message, if anyone has similar experience with annoying examiners, please let me know and tell me if I should chnage instructor.Thanks.




  1. WOW! . What an ordeal!. .First, a good driver school will show you how to drive and what you have to do to pass the road test. .The excellent schools will guarantee that you pass. .If you don't feel comfortable with your instructor, see if you can get another one. .The driving test - sheesh!. .Your country must have a a healthy budget for you to have 2 examiners on your road test. .If it were me, I would see a police officer or an attorney. .The thing I would want to know on the road test is, if there are 2 examiners, which one is grading you - the other one OUT. .If they insist on both, I would take them to the farthest point on the course and then kick them both out. .You're driving the car; you're in charge, even if you in training. . Another option to consider is to drive a small 2-seat car (no room for 3) - even if you have to rent it. .Finally, if there no restrictions, try going to another exam center - can't be any worse.

    All the best.

  2. Why would changing your driving instructor make the examiner less annoying?

    Sorry, but I can't be bothered reading all of that.


    I've been bothered to read it now. Wow, that was long.

    That's pretty bad. Is it normal for driving examiners to be bribed where you are then? (It's not in the UK...)

  3. I went 3 sentences and gave up reading....

  4. Oh the horrors, oh the DRAMA..............

    You failed the test..............the bribing bit is pure conjecture.

    If you know this to be true, then report it to the authorities.

    Otherwise, make another appointment with whichever Instructor you choose and get on with it!

    On a test, your job is to drive safely and prove you are worthy of a Driver's Licence.

    The Examiner's job is to observe and record and decide whether you are ready to drive on your own.

    Make another appointment and carry on with your life....

  5. If an examiner can rattle you, just imagine the panic that will set in the first time somebody runs a red light in front of you, or changes lanes into the spot you are already driving in, or slams on the brakes in the middle of the block for no apparent reason!

  6. Sorry I didn't read all that as Im too lazy but my first instructor was a prick and I changed and felt much better doing my lessons then so I'd recommend it.

  7. Well I think they take pleasure from failing you, sure they have a job too make sure that unfit drivers aren't on the road, but in the UK, the test is nonsense, you can drive a perfect drive but then fail the whole thing if you slightly miss reversing into a parking space! everyone I know who drives says they have never reversed into a parking space since their driving test!

    They just want to make money I think, but don't let this put you off, keep practising the reverse and do it perfectly next time that they can't say anything

    Good luck

  8. I don't know how it works in European countries, but in the US you can go be tested at another station.  Ask around.  Find out which stations have the nicer testers.


    I just read what you said about BRIBES??  Sorry for  overlooking that.  I have a REAL THING about dishonest companies and police and all!  No one in the US has EVER asked me for a bribe, never heard of anyone who HAS been asked for a bribe regarding either getting a drivers' license or going through car inspection!  

    I hate to say this, and I'm just guessing, and it might not be good advice--but if you can, get a tape recording of all conversations the next time you go through, a pocket-sized recorder and a microphone clipped inside your shirt (practice with a friend to make sure the voices come out).  Personally, I would PAY  the bribes,' mention the am't of money so your machine can pick it up....

    AND THEN expose the truth to your country through the media IF it's worth doing.

    OR, if you're brave, approach a local 'investigative reporter' ahead of time and maybe have professionals catch these guys on tape.  They do that sometimes in the US.

    But I don't know your police situation, and even in the US these things can be risky--you can print the truth and get sued, and WIN--but the cost of counter-suing is greater than anything you will gain.

    JUST ASK FRIENDS you trust what they think you should do--after all, you must know people who have gotten drivers' licenses.

    Good luck to you.  I just hate dishonest  'government employees!'  I hope you can catch them.  But is it worth the risk, if it's just the way things are done where you live in S. Europe?  Maybe paying the bribe is the best way to go.  Again, ask your friends. [But I'd still do the tape recorder thing--and get their names on it, "Senora Sanchez" etc...speak to them by name.....

    ......and maybe later on you can still do something to clean up your town.  Who knows? You're town might be very grateful to you....maybe you'll end up being town mayor  yourself for your honest efforts.

    ....and I'm sorry you were victimized by your supposedly trustworthy town officials.....

  9. Well it sounds to me that a new instructor is not the problem, the problem is that you are not ready and tooooo nervous, try relaxing and remember what you have learned........

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