
Failed a-levels. what can i do now?

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so what next if you failed to succeed your a-levels? even after several retakes. where can we find work




  1. Make yourself a good cv, print out loads and go around giving them out, look on! Good luck xox

  2. wait for results first!

  3. Go work at mcdonalds.

  4. You can be whatever you really want to be. Has it ever occurred to you how many people have good paying and satisfactory jobs without an A in sight?

    The only ingredients necessary are insight into your own calabilities and determination to succeed.

    If possible, seek a councellor's help to unravel your own ambitions; or there is always good old Mum or Dad to fall back on for advice.

  5. You can work in many places. A lot of them may be what people would call 'dead-end' jobs, McDonalds, Argos, Walmart etc, but if you are dedicated and hard working, you can move up the management chains in any company and make a decent living. They may not be the best places of employment, not the most glamorous, but they are solid, guaranteed work with tangible and reachable career paths that can give you a very decent living. Enough income to run a family and own your own home, cars etc.

    Of course not passing your A-levels is not the be all and end all. You can get into university without A-levels. Perhaps all that is needed is a few years out of the education system to grow and mature. A lot of people find themselves much better prepared for higher education when they're well into their 20's or older.

    Don't worry, there are plenty of options open to you.

  6. Forget A levels. They are a means to an end. Get yourself a trade. Stick at it for five years then go out on your own. You can earn quite a nice lively hood.

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