
Failed education ) :?

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I have spent four yours at college in the UK but, my teachers say im not good enough for university. During those 4 years i worked my way up through all the levels, from foundation through to Btec national level 3. Repeating level 2 twice because i needed to re take GCSE english and passed at grade C. But they tell me to get a job, but it will only be 5 pound an hour. When at school i was too far behind to the point when GCSE exams came i was no wear near ready or even at the start of the 2 year program (year 10). I had really bad learning difficulties, dyslexia. At the moment I'm feeling depressed to the fact my prospects look bleak and would really love the opportunity of going to university. what do i do please help




  1. Unfortunately I do not know much about education in the UK...but in the US, colleges have to provide students with diagnosed conditions, such as dyslexia, which accomodations to participate in class.  It might be something to look into...

  2. Contact the university and ask what support services they have for students with dyslexia, such as note takers, tutors, computers for loan etc.

    Is the school not supporting you, to at lest achieve the achievable? You can learn with support from the school and at home, and a lot of hard work from you.

    Do you have a formal diagnosis that is documented, is so then you should have supports in place. Ask your parents to help, in getting support for you at school, if you don't already.

    There is adaptive technology such as Dragon Naturally speaking, Read & Write gold, both programs are fantastic for students with dyslexia, helping with reading and writing etc.

    For spelling a list of the most commonly misspelt words

    Spelling rules such as I before E except after C (I only learnt this a few years ago).

    Homophones is handy too, as it is not unusual to confuse similar sounding words such weather/ whether. (Laminate them and keep a copy on the fridge, and a copy to keep in your folder/book).

    For reading, try different coloured overlays, to see if it makes reading easier. When reading take your time, and don't feel pressured into reading a loud to others if your not comfortable, then don't read out loud. However do practice reading a loud when your alone, so you gain some self-confidence, and you can listen to the sound of the words.

    Assignments/homework from teachers etc need to be well defined and in point form, for ease of understanding for the student and their parent to understand.

    Class handouts & assignments to be on coloured paper, for my daughter and I its a cream or buff colour (you will have to experiment with colours).

    Assignments always start on assignments as soon as possible NEVER LEAVE IT TILL THE LAST MINUTE. Most teachers are happy to check on your progress if you ask.

    Don't be afraid to ask for an extension on assignments, but only when you have to (don't make a habit of it).

    Where possible use a computer to do assignments etc, ensuring we use spell check to keep spelling mistakes in check.

    When doing tests/exams, ask if your allowed to take note paper in with you, if its a multi choice test, ask if you can mark the question sheet, this helps by crossing out the incorrect answers, usually leaving you one or two possible answers. Or you can ask for a verbal exam is done.

    I have included a few links in the UK which will help you if need it.

  3. Self employment.

       Dyslexia is a drag, but if you work for yourself, then you have no one holding you back. Make self employment a goal.

      You may lack grades and credentials, but you are educated. Use the sense God gave you to find opportunities where snooty teachers cannot hold you back.
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