
Failed modules at University and need help!?

by Guest64782  |  earlier

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I have failed 2 modules in my 1st year of Uni, not because I didnt do the work but I had family issues and wasnt 100% focused.

I now have to move and so will be going to a new university. Can I still do 2nd year at the new university and carry on my 2 failed modules if the course is the same?





  1. it is unlikely unless the units are identical.

    What your could so is apply for mitigating circumstances and ask to resit the exams for the modules (can still do this if you are a former student) or ask them to give you a mitigated grade.

  2. If you have been accepted by a different university to continue your course, they would have told you at what stage you will be starting there. I really can't understand how they can accept you if they have not seen your results at the present university and advised you how you are to proceed. If they have accepted you without looking at your results and telling you anything, then the state of our higher educational institutions is worse than I feared.

    You should ask them if there are any conditions of entry to your course at the new place. Such uncertainty should have been dealt with early.

  3. You should be able to.  Talk to your advisor or admissions at the new university.  This is no different than repeating a course.

  4. Hello

    This seems like a difficult situation so you’re wise to check out alternatives before making a decision about what to do next.  If you haven’t already done so, try to arrange a meeting with a member of faculty staff at the earliest opportunity.  It’s likely that they will have dealt with similar situations before and be aware of possible options available, within the faculty or university.  

    Contact with Student Services may also provide access to support to help resolve difficulties you’ve encountered, and to look at feasible alternatives.  Although you say that you have to move and will go to another university, this may not necessarily be the only alternative.

    If you’re still sure about transferring to another course and university, it’s important to contact the admissions office at the prospective university to establish what’s required for transfer to second year of a similar course.  The admissions office will also be able to advise whether or not a UCAS application is necessary.  

    It may be helpful to have a look at information on credit transfer at  The Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) is a system whereby academic credits are awarded for courses or parts of courses. These enable students to transfer from course to course or institution to institution, or gain exemption from part(s) of a course.  Many universities have links to CATS information on their website although university (and indeed, faculty or course), policies on Credit Transfer may vary.  

    Finally, it may be worth considering supported open learning at The Open University: see - for general information on courses, qualifications, funding or careers - for regional centre contact details (for advice on the most appropriate study pathway, contact a regional adviser) - information on credit transfer (downloadable application form, but hard copy must be submitted, with results transcripts) - information for young students.    

    Allow time to research and discuss your options to ensure that the choice is the best possible one for your circumstances.  I wish you well with your decisions and future study!

  5. Make sure by asking at your new university.

    You probably can but this means extras work in second year. Make sure that you do enough work and stay focused otherwise you won't graduate with your group.

    Taking work forward into third year is about the worst scenario. Avoid this at all costs and put all the effort into the coming year.

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