
Faint & Negative Results On Pregnancy Test?

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How many times you have heard this..

First Response - Faint Results (1 day before missed period)

Dollar test from Dollar Tree 0 Negative (took it in the evening more results in the morning)

Clear Blue Digital - negative (Took it in the morning and still da same)

Ept Test coming soon

Well in a nut shell we got a faint line like the one on she is now 3 days late.. is she pregnant or not..




  1. go to the drs hard to say first response is usually acurate but maybe her hormone leels are not high enough to register  

  2. Faint is pregnant.

  3. Pregnant keep tryin till all match,,

  4. I would say she is.

    Not all testers have the same sensitivity level.  Retest in a few days using the same brand  that had the faint lines and it should show up darker since the hormones double every 2 days.

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