
Faint line?? Am i pregnant or false alarm?

by  |  earlier

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Hi everyone

last week i did a pregnancy test, and instead of a vertical line it came out as a faint horizontal line,

I waited a while to see if it would change but for atleast 5-8 mins it stayed like that then the line dissapeard.

I wasnt to sure wether it was faulty, but the other line worked so i guessed it worked properly.

I brought the test out of tesco's and i think it was a first response test it cost £3.99 and was in a pink packet.

I hope you can help me as not to sure whats going on.

Thanks everyone :)




  1. I would take another test

    but you rarely get a false positive!

  2. The horizontal line was most likely an evaporation line. You can still test again, to be sure though.

    Edit with a quote from the site below:

    "Sometimes a test will develop some streaking as the dye crosses the window, looking like a wrong-way line

    This streak will likely fade or disappear after awhile. Even if it doesn't, the test should be considered negative. If you are not sure where a positive result would appear, read the instructions that came in the test box."

  3. You are most likely not pregnant.

    A test line might be faint, but it is going to be in the same direction of the control line (assuming that you have the test that shows results with one line in the test window, rather than the test that shows results with a + or - in the test window).

    The line you saw was simply a result of the urine moving across the strip.  It was not a faint positive (if it disappeared) nor was it an evaporation line...both of those would have remained.

    If you are unsure, do test again but from what you have described, I am certain the test was negative.

  4. Congrats!  I had a faint line on my First Response test a year ago, and I sure as heck was pregnant!  :)

    If it makes you feel better, though, test again.  I'm assuming that when you tested the first time, you followed the directions correctly and that you've been tracking your cycles well enough to know this is a good time to test?

  5. It doesn't matter if the line is faint. Buy another test, a two pack of clear blue and do them first thing in the morning

    Good luck

  6. use a digital test!

    this way there is no looking for lines it will just say "pregnant" or "not pregnant"

  7. I don't know how much this may help but here was my experience with pregnancy tests:

    I thought I was pregnant and I took a test that was negative. I bought another really cheap test the next day and I got a very faint line but my best friend thought I was crazy.

    It took another week and 4 pregnancy tests later to confirm my pregnancy.

    Sometimes it can take a while for the pregnancy hormone to show up in your body.

  8. hio i was late and did loads of tests that were negative,then had loasds that were faint.i bought 1 of the tesco ones ur on about and a line appered which then started of horizontal and after the 5 mins when i looked again it was a faint positive the right way round!i read the back of the packet and it says that when you wee on the stick you may see a horizontal line appear band that this is normal its the dye spreadind across the windows.its says you should ignore the test till 5 mins read your result and after 5 min this is the result coz after that an evaporation line may appear.if on yours there was nothing,id take it negative but if your late and just to double check(as i would!) do another in a few days when your hormone levels would have risen a bit.i recommend asda own brand, 4.99 for 2.gave me a deffo when others pale!

  9. Take another test

  10. Congrats, you are preggo! Go to the doctor and let them test you, you are gonna have to go anyway!

  11. HPTs work by having an invisible strip of some kind of chemical which reacts ONLY when it is mixed with pregnancy hormone HCG.

    Now, if you are pregnant (and the test is not faulty) the strip will turn blue or pink in the same way it shows on the packet.

    But, it seems weird that there was any colour change at all, which makes me wonder if your wee does have some pregnancy hormone in it.

    So, in view of this and the fact that (presumably) a week on you still haven't had a period, you should really do another one. But use Clearblue this time - this is the brand hospitals use to determine pregnancy, and it's the market leader.

    Good luck.

  12. When you read the directions for a pgt, most of them will tell you any line at all even a faint one means a positive result. It usually means the test detected the hgc in the urine, but it was very little. Hgc just about double daily. Most likely you are pregnant, but you should confirm it with your doctor. Don't waste money on another test. You would have to see the doctor if the second test was positive anyway.  

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