Ok, today is 10DPO for me. I know it's way early to test, and because I've been so obsessive in past months (and it never turns out well), I decided to refrain from testing until 12DPO. Of course, I was sitting at the computer this morning, and randomly decided to take a test (I hadn't had my FMU yet). I took the test, and got in the shower probably around 6:05, maybe a little later. At 6:25, I looked at the test, and I saw a very faint line. My question is, what is the difference between a faint positive and an evaporation line? I know usually a line is a line, but since I waited past the recommended time, I don't know. I know I'll have to take another test, but I can't do that until TOMORROW! So, any help? Oh, it's a test from Early Pregnancy Tests.