
Faint positives on target and cvs pregnancy tests but negatives on reliable are these tests?

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I had taken 3 FRER and received all negatives on them. After that I got CVS tests that are comparable to the FRER except they use blue dye and got a very faint thin line. To double check I bought the target brand which was also blue dye. The first test came back with a faint blue line (taken at night) Then I took one the next morning and it was negative. That afternoon I took the last one and I got a very clear bright blue line which was still very thin though. All were read well within the time limit. I had my blood drawn today, but would like any advice from anyone that has had similar things happen and had good outcomes. Thanks!




  1. it sounds promising....

    when was your AF due?? it may be really early...

    My blood test results came back positive and i had only small levels as it was only the first day my AF was due... i had a hunch :P

    anyways the home tests i took... the first was a cheapo and was faint..but defintly there..the second was hardly noticable and really faint..these were at night..the next day i took a good brand and got a definte pos..but still was fainteer then i would ahve thought...and then the cheapo that after noon was faint again...

    so the moral of my story is... the levels are cheaked differently on all tests and change during the time of day and as your body changes....

    It is likely you are pregnant as you DID recieve positives.... and the other tests may just not have been strong enough to pick up the you drank too much beforehand....ate or something...

    goodluck to you i hope you get what you want :) and congrats!!

  2. It does sound promising, but I will worn you those blue test, are known for running, with the dye. so it will look like a positive test. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

  3. First off, I wish you the best with TTC...unfortunately, I ran across the same dilemma with the Target brand hpt 2 months ago. I also found the same problem with the Walgreens hpt too. I then realized they were both made by the same company, Inverness. I got 5 false positives (over a 2 week period) with these tests. I saw very faint, THIN, blue lines. I then took two FRER and got a stark white, plain as day, negative. I called Inverness and complained...they couldn't believe I got 5 false positives. I then offered to send them a copy of my doctor's blood work that showed I was never pregnant!!! I would recommend using pink dye tests over blue in the future. Lastly, the POAS website explored this same problem and recommended the same thing...use pink dye tests whenever possible.

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