
Fainting at eye doctor?

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i went to the eye doctor yesterday and they put drops in my eyes to check for glaucoma. I felt fine until she had me get up and go sit where you get your glasses. I started feeling really dizzy, lightheaded, and nauseus. I dont know why i did this, but I got up to throw my tissue away i was using to wipe my eyes from the drops and started blacking out. I woke up on the floor with all the nurses around me. One of them said they heard me fall and touched my hand and asked if i was ok. She said my eyes were open and my lips were turning blue. I don't remember any of this.

Anyone ever heard of this or know why it happened??




  1. maybe a reaction to the drops? its low blood pressure or low blood sugar that make u faint. did u eat that day?

  2. I fainted at the eye doctor once when I was 13 - right after she put contacts in my eyes for the first time.  I had been feeling just fine before that.  I was checked out by the doctor later that day, and there wasn't anything wrong with me, sometimes people just faint.  A lot of things can trigger fainting spells, but it's basically just a response to low blood pressure - your body needs to get your head down to the ground so that it can get blood to your brain.  For me, my body's reaction to stress is to drop my blood pressure, but pressure on my neck can also cause me to pass out.  

    Maybe you were holding your breath when you got the eye drops, or your body just didn't react well to those particular drops.  I would see a doctor and make sure your blood sugar levels and blood pressure are all right, and make sure your doctor knows about it so that if it happens again, there will be a record.  For what it's worth, I asked my doctor if there was any danger in my passing out, she said as long as I didn't pass out while I was swimming, I'd be fine :)

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