
Fair to ask parents to spend so much money?

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My dream in life is to go on a foreign exchange student program to france. I am an excellent student, and go to a private school. Tuition is about 6k a year. The price is 10k with full board and airfare. Is that about the cost of just having me here? My parents would do it if they had the money, i just want to know how it would all even out.




  1. If you're in HS still, you can't study abroad until completing at least one semester at your home college. Or are you talking about doing your entire university major overseas? I'm not sure by your Q.

    Since you say "exchange" program, you can calculate it into the cost of your regular college costs. Which means, if your parents are paying straight-up cash for your college, they will have to pay a bit more for the year you are there; or, if you are taking student loans, you can use those for your trip abroad. There are scholarships and as well, summer work. You can make it happen if you really wish to do it.

  2. If you are asking if you cost your parents 4k a year at home, chances are that you do, or close. How about car insurance, gasoline, lessons, camps, clothes, fast food, going out $$, etc. Food at home and utilities for you probably aren't that much extra, but they are something. What about cell phone?  

    Don't forget extra expenses that may pop up in France, because your parents might bring them up. Some will be the same expenses you have at home (transportation, going out, etc), so you can't count them toward the 4k they spend at home. Maybe you can buy less clothes, spend less going out, don't use cell phone much, etc in France as a trade off. Also, consider air fare for you to fly home to visit your parents, although you can get good fares if you plan in advance.

    What about working to pay for part of the difference?

    Good luck! And if it doesn't work out soon, it can always work out later.

  3. You can look into scholarships for student exchange programs.

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