
Fairness Doctrine, how can people defend it?

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I'm a fairly liberal individual and I have a problem with it.

Anyway you slice it, it is still government regulating and mandating speech which I have an issue with.

If the governement forces me to listen to Rush Limbaugh then I would agree with it, but they dont.




  1. Fairness does not exist in this world. I learned that in Kindergarten. One of my classmates was blind. Her eyes were damaged by the Oxygen used while she was being birthed. Way back before they knew that It would totally s***w up a baby's eyes. Nothing fair about it. I was born same day same hospital, within 32 minutes. Oxygen levels used during my birth did not reach critical level and I can see. Nothing fair about it and not a GD thing anyone can ever do to fix it.

    The Government that brings us the US Post Office, racial quotas, hate speech laws and the IRS does not need to get involved in FAIR. They would not know fair if it bit them in the butt.

  2. I'm a liberal and I'm against it.  Conservative talk radio is killing itself.  Rush pushed Republican voters to vote for Hillary, but Obama much for that plan.

    I like to hear what the idiots have to say, just like I like to hear them on YA.

    It's funny, because usually it's the conservatives that want to shut the liberals up.  How many times have liberals who complain about the war been called traitors?   How many times have we heard "America, love it or leave it?"

    How funny that conservatives are now outraged?

  3. I'm against it. I also am against people hijacking words that have a specific meaning (like fairness) and calling a law by that name in an effort to make people believe the law is something that it is not.

    Let the marketplace work.

  4. The people who defend it don't understand fairness.  They pretend that democrats don't have the same access to the airwaves; people just don't want to listen to them.

  5. This is the making of a dictatorship I think that's what these people want to control everything.

  6. They can't defend it constitutionally, so they confuse us with false arguments that sound fair and reasonable. Control of free speech is unconstitutional no matter how you word it.

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