
Faithful vs unfaithful?

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Everyone keeps asking if specific signs would be unfaithful or not.

Well...not. lol I don't care what sign it is some people cannot help but cheat. Or want to cheat. I know this because a lot of guys ask to "hook up" with me even though they have a girlfriend. I say no of course. I am ABOVE that. Guys from all zodiac signs. Heck even girls cheat too. Some people are so messed up. I just cannot stand it when someone fails to mention they have a gf... or worst they say they do have one and still ask to hook up.

crazy cancer who is tired of the bulls*it . Anyone else?




  1. I agree! It totally sucks...and makes me feel like c**p when that happens to me! Why can't single men feel this attraction towards me instead!

    I think there is negativity inherent in all signs of the's up to the individual what path they will choose...

    I think that men and even women who are guilty of cheating (and often)....not only want to sew their wild oats, but maybe it's that they see something in someone else that they long to be a part of...they misunderstand this and use bad judgement to carelessly blame it on sexual attraction! I feel that some people are attracted to each other sometimes without understanding the 'why' or 'what' people attract like people...opposites attract...whatever it may be....but I also think it is not always for the sole purpose of s*x! For instance, I am always attracted to strong individuals - male and female...bit it is not always a sexual desire there.

    Instead, maybe we come into contact with certain people because there may be something we can learn from them ... or maybe because there is something we need to teach them...and so on...

    People are ignorant to their own instincts sometimes! Too hasty to make a smart decision when sometimes we need to step back and reflect on things a bit....maybe if we did this more often there would be less one night

    btw....Sympathetic Sag

  2. I think that cheating is more of a psychological problem above anything else. Not exactly in the mental/emotional way but I think cheating is possibly more often in those who had bad experiences growing up or saw their parents going through divorces/fights when they were quite young or in their teens. I think that it's a possiblity they cheat in a relationship because they are afraid what happened to their parents might happen to them. I know this isn't really what you were looking for, but I couldn't help but think of it / bring it up. I believe that the reason people react the way the do, goes all the way back to childhood.

    one other thing, i also hate when guys with girlfriends want to go out with me aswell. i'm always 'dude, i'm gonna do you & your girlfriend a favor and not go out with you. k, she deserves better than you if you're gonna do this to her. and i def. don't want to be the reason you two break up because YOU WILL sooner or later'.

  3. In my opinion, it doesn't matter what sign, gender, race, nationality or other a person might be. Whether anybody cheats is all based on one thing only:exactly who that person is. You don't cheat on your guy but maybe if you had a twin sister who has the exact same sign as you, you would realize that everybody, even twins, are completely different. Trust a person's character not their sign.

  4. i feel you on that i think any and every sign does it, just it seems that some do more than others, i had a sagg girlfriend who cheated on me with someone, and neglected to tell the person we were dating, which pissed me off more, cuz its one thing to cheat, its a whole nother, to leave out the fact that you are with someone, the interesting part is i have a time trusting and dating other saggs cuz of this being the fact that leos and saggs are supposed to be the perfect couple, but i think ill stick to other leo women, we atleast see eye to eye

  5. I don't understand why men and women cheat. It's so devastating to the other partner and everyone involved.

    I don't think there is a single Sun sign that would be more inclined to do such a thing - every sign has the ability to do that. I know a few women who have, but they are very different signs. I've looked at their birth charts and they share only a few signs/placings.  

    I know one who even tried to blame it on her Sign/chart. Of course, she also blamed everyone and everything else.

    One thing that I've learned for watching these women is - yes, a life lesson if you will - that no one can blame/ hate them for what they did. It's the spouses choice to forgive them, everyone else are just innocent bystanders who have no place to judge.

    I still don't understand it, though =(

    Libra sun

  6. I TOTALLY agree!! I once heard that the kind of people who will cheat are INSECURE. If you think about it it makes sense, because they are looking to other people to make them feel better about themselves!! If you are secure with yourself you dont need to look outside for anything!!!!! i HATE cheaters!! I feel that they shouldn't be in a relationship if all they wanna do is be with everyone!! You should only be in a relationship if you wanna be with One person!!

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