
Fake Crocs Vs. Real Crocs is there a difference?

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I recently bought 2 pairs of the fake crock's for myself and my daughter to play outside in the water, but found they gave us both blisters after a day. Do real Crocs give you blisters as well or are they made a lot better? They are pretty expensive, but would they be worth the investment for beach sandals (as long as they don't give you blisters!)




  1. they are a lot softer and more comfortable. My son has had both and loves his real ones (he bought them himself with birthday money) and my daughter loves his. She has saved up enough money to buy croc thongs next summer (winter here). I have the real ones and they are super comfy

  2. Nope, I love my fake crocs more than the real ones. They are so mcuh softer and comfortable. Wheras, actual crocs seem like they're trying to be stiff and soft at the same time and they rub on my feet leaving me with blisters.

  3. No, they're equally dangerous for toddlers to wear.

  4. Real crocs have higher quality. =)

  5. Fake Crocs Vs. Real Crocs is there a difference?

    Yeah in the price you pay.

  6. I bought my daughter fake Crocs because they are easy for her to pull on and off by herself. I wasn't going to spend $30 on a pair of shoes for a 1 1/2 year old who will wear them for only two or three months. Not worth it. But they haven't given her blisters or anything. Maybe just depends on what brand of fake Crocs you buy. (I got mine at Target for $5.00)

  7. You can get fake, cheap, crocs or some fake good quality ones. My grand has a purple par of real crocs she loves. Her mom has a pair by AIRWALK that make the skate shoes. Her are made with rubber like the crocs, not cheap plastic and are great. So it depends on what quality you buy. The store brand wal mart and target ones i looked at were very cheap feeling. My daughter wears hers in the kennel (vet clinic) at work. She had a brain f**t at the beach and really burnt her feet. on top from sun, on the soles walking on hot sand. So she could'nt wear shoes for over a week. Yeah, not to smart huh?

    So you can get decent non crocs you just need to be super shopper and find good ones. The AIRWALKS were from Payless.

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