
Fake being sick?

by Guest63741  |  earlier

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How can i fake being sick? I REALLY dont feel like going to my cousains birthday party.

Should i try a laxative like epsom salt?




  1. No, just look really tired, act like you have a stomach pain, tell your parents you threw up and you feel really tired and refuse to go!

  2. Don't take a laxative.

    You don't actually have to HAVE diarrhea-  just SAY you have diarrhea.  No one will want to discuss the details, trust me.

  3. Just say your not feeling well you've got a migrane you wont need to do anything...

  4. Get a blow dryer and put it on your head to make it seem like you have a high fever.

    I guess that could work lol...

  5. aww  if you dont feel like going dont go mm unless your forced to go . i wouldnt fake it because it just might happen hun.  lol good ans  GI!!! AND Vera E

  6. Lord no!  Just act like you have a bad cold, or blame it on allergies to whatever pollen is blowing.

  7. Stomach aches the easiest one cause no one can check.

  8. make some fake vomit in the blender. all you have to do is dump whatever was dinner into it, and add vinegar, then put it in the sink or something, and tell who ever is taking you ya puked, and would WAY rather stay home then pass your germs to everyone at the party.  it's worked for me! good luck! or, and if you do something weird, like l**k your palms and then touch someone, it'll make your hands seem really clammy.  it may sound weird, but that sells it pretty well.

  9. You're kidding right?  Just stay home and tell your "cousain" happy birthday from me.

  10. You shouldn't go that far. It can mess you up. Instead, just put a sad face on, say your head hurts and say you feel cold. You could also just say your stomach feels upset.

  11. you should pretend to have diarrea

  12. Dont be such a party pooper and just go!

  13. Just keep going to the bathroom. Just fake that you have diarrhea. Tell them your stomach hurts

  14. yea you should do that

  15. if you really dont like it then yes but if you dont want to put urself through all that pain then just try and stikk it for the few hours u have to be ther xD

  16. Why fake being sick? If it were me i'd just tell whoever that I didn't want to go for whatever reason. Honesty is usually the best policy.

    It may make people upset with you, However they will probably get over it in a couple days.

  17. The most professional help one can gain here is to watch a master faker: "Ferris Beuller's Day Off." Your can rent it at BlockBuster.

  18. eat a ton of food then make urself throw up and then show ur parents the proof of it and claim u have a really bad stomache ache used to always work for me just make sure they dont see u pigging out or u could try the laxative thing but do u wana be sittin on the toilet all night long just to get out of a bday party? that lasts what 2 maybe 3 hrs.

  19. that would be really stupid theres some thing in life that yu have to put up wiv i can't belive youu would put urr body thru dis :(

  20. no...... go to the party your going to get a very nice suprise when you get there..Don't ever take laxatives or eat epsom salt

  21. Go and buy random tins of food and mash them up then put it on the floor or in the toilet and call your parents and tell you've been sick. put some baby powder on your face before you call your parents.

    Ta Da, a sick personnn.

    Dont try laxitives eek..

  22. Certian illnesses will ALWAYS get you out of ANYTHING:

    Explosive Diarrhea


  23. Just lay up in bed and say you have a headache, no need to make yourself really sick.

    Start complaining about your head ache now, don't do it an hour before the party, that wont be believable

  24. Heat the thermometer up by a light when no one is looking.

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