
Fake flowers in a pot?

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I use fake flowers in a large pot on my porch. What does that tell you? Im curious.




  1. I do it myself

    Sometimes i have a live plant and then i put a few plastic flowers in with it. Whatever floats your boat.

  2. Hey, depends on the type of flowers, and what state they are in.

    Could be fabulous, or really sad and lame.  Maybe you should post a picture :o)

  3. its okay to plant fake flowers many do, but make sure if you live in a cold area you bring the fake flowers inside so it looks real. also you can plant fake conifers for that nice winter look that looks real.

    good luck

    all fake flowers tell you is that you love flowers but want a little less work, but if you take them inside no one will even know there fake

  4. You try using the real ones ^_^ It's cool to water plants everyday ^_^

    and the fake ones, they only attract dust plus real plants help clean the air

    Have a good day! ^_^v

  5. If you use plastic – tacky.

    If you use silk – you have a great mind – as I will explain.

    If you have potted plants or plants in your garden and want them to look fuller, or have ivy you want to spruce-up it is OK to add silk flowers/leaves to the mix.

    It is actually becoming more popular with florist arrangements.

    I have window boxes that I over-plant in the spring. Rather than go out and look for something to replace a dead plant, I use SILK flowers for fillers as the season progresses. I have been doing it for years and there has yet to be a person to realize they are not real – in spite of the fact that some of the planters are in very close proximity to where people gather.

    I will also use the silk flower where something has stopped flowering and I want some color in that spot. The silk flowers look like they are growing right out of the plant. I will even sometimes tie the ‘stem’ of the silk flower to the stem of the real plant in the garden – no one is the wiser.

    So go for it – just don’t use plastic. It is very difficult to get plastic flowers to look real. They do not reflect the light the same way real and silk flowers do. Same thing goes for the greens – silk only (or whatever kind of material they use these days besides plastic).

    I’ll tell you a funny story.

    I made a silk flower arrangement for the inside windowsill of the landing of the apartment building, in which I live. Since I am the only one on my floor who ever does anything to make the place look nice – I got an email from one of my neighbors thanking me for putting such a beautiful and FRAGRANT flower box on the window sill. She said it was amazing the fragrance would linger in the hallway even though we always keep the bottom window open about 6 inches (I had added some essential oils to the foam I had used as ‘planting medium’).

    I thanked her and never mentioned it again or told her they were not real.

    I figured at some point she would realize they were silk.

    What I do is wait until the seasonal silk flowers/greens go on sale and buy whatever I think I can use. I then cut them like I would real flowers and use them in whatever needs an added ‘lift’. It works out surprisingly well and the silk flowers hold up remarkably well outdoors.

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