
Fake last name?

by  |  earlier

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I've looked through all the crests and I cant find anything behind it.

Is it fake?

Help, please?

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  1. I don't think its fake, i just googled it and there were a few people with that last name

  2. Perhaps it's misspelled?  A lot of people coming through Ellis Island as immigrants couldn't speak English or spell so the man who wrote down the names did it phonetically.

    Maybe an"i" for an "e", or a "t" for a "d"??  Check out names that way.

  3. It's almost certainly a corruption of another name, having been written down as it sounded. If you have any idea at all about where your ancestors came from that would be a good place to start. I have a couple of suggestions:

    1) From the Dutch word "vernederd", meaning humiliated

    2) From the name "Bernadette"

    3) Maybe from some form of the German name Werner, the W being pronounced as a V in German....

    4) Any trace of Scandinavian/Icelandic in the family? Ver is a common prefix for names, also many place names ending with "ed" or "et". There is a town in (I think) Norway called Verma, not sure what someone from there would be called...

    Not finding a crest means nothing, there is no such thing as a "family" crest or coat of arms, they were awarded to one person and only he had a right to use it.

    Good luck!

  4. If there are persons with the name, it is impossible to be "fake".  However, I do not find it in the social security death index... which only indicates that no one of that name has died in the US in the last approx 50 yrs.

    When you mention looking through all the "crests", I wonder if you mean sites that sell "family crests"??  Most of the experienced researchers are emphatic that those sites are misleading to start with, even with common names. They are based on the idea that all families have crests, even though that is totally untrue. Of those sites.. they will (of course) sell "stuff", but they are not going to waste time on rare names.

    If you personally DO know someeone of the name.. the only way to determine anything accurate would be to identify the PERSONS place of origin, and using valid records, where their father/ grandfather originated.  In situations where a name is a variation of the original name.. neither the old or new name is wrong or right.  You just won't pick up the original with common computer searches, which are geared to exact matches.  

  5. i doubt it would be fake, might be, but we can't find crests for several of my friends and i'm pretty sure their last names aren't fake

  6. I can't find anything on that name.

  7. it could be an exception but it is unique so i would think it is fake. it also sounds like it can be real. i would put more reasearch in...

    hope i helped

  8. I looked at three huge genealogy sites:

    The Mormons (1.5 billion entries) - no matches.

    RWWC (563 million entries) - no matches

    1930 US census (100 million entries) - no matches

    There are 1,000+ hits for it in Google. The first 20 look like screen names for gamers.

    Not finding it doesn't mean it isn't someone's name somewhere, but it is either extremely rare or the version you got had a typo.

    I hope you know that "family" crests are a myth perpetuated by T-shirt and coffee mug vendors.
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