
Fake-mon help?

by Guest62205  |  earlier

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recently, ive dicovered fakemon, which are basicaly fake pokemon, and im trying to create my own,

all i ask is that you suggest a type of animal to base the fakemon on (doesnt neccecerly have to be an animal...), and a type e.g fighting/water, anything really

i thank the people who help me,

if you don't have any ideas for me, please do not post




  1. base it on a blue tongued skink

    it could be grass/ground

    (coz thats how they are)

    theres too many horse type things in pokemon and no blue tongued skinks sooooooooooooooo...........................

  2. please please base it on a welsh mountain pony that is normal/fighting type

    move set: stomp, bite, strength, and something to do with running real fast.

    and poke comp stats should be mainly cute or tough

    and if possible i suggest giving it a red bow around the tail

    can it have a mainly brown body with a black mane and tail with the bit above its' hooves white.. also purple eyes^^
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